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By now everyone has finished their food and are talking amongst themselves. Well, besides me.

I'm just siting down doing nothing because I still don't want to have to face these people. It's intimidating for me and as usual I will get jealous. I will want what they have. No matter how simple from nice hair to a gucci handbag or watch. I don't know how long I've been like this or since when this started for me but I just  know that I have it and there is no escaping it. I must admit though, it is my fault because it is still me who wants it. I mean, how could you not? I've tried talking about my... problem to Daisy but she doesn't seem to understand and I know why.

She has almost everything she could ask for since her parents are pretty rich. She isn't one of your typical snobby rich girls, she's actually a great friend but she does have her moments as does everybody else. Either way I've done some really bad things because of this jealousy thing and I hate talking about it but I can't help what I did. I fully regret it but hey. What can I do?

I think it's time. I've been silent for basically this whole meal and I think I finally need to face this. Okay, here goes nothing. Scratch that, here goes everything.

I look up from facing the table and my eyes skim over the person in front of me.

He has light brown hair and deep chocolate brown eyes. When I look at him he is already looking at me and he smirks. I quickly look away and pretend to gaze around the room but my eyes fall to him here and there. He is really attractive and his hair looks really soft. I bet he has a lot of money and things by how he dresses. He has great clothes and,  how about that? A watch that looks really expensive.

From the corner of my eye I see him staring at me and then his tongue flicks over his rosy lips. I mentally grimace but put on a brave face.

"Hi, my names Emery," I say with a forced smile and hands folded in front of me. He still stares at me but I try to avoid the tension he is creating.

"I'm Riley," He simply says and reaches his hand out to shake mine. I reach my hand out too and my hand becomes enveloped in his. I try to pull away gently but his hand is still firmly holding mine. He bores into my eyes and I try harder to yank my hand away with sucess. A low purr like noise emits from the back of his throat and I go back to looking elsewhere, feeling highly uncomfortable.

"Where you from baby?" He says again and I face him with a stern glare.

"Don't call me baby," I say sharply. I have no idea who this person is besides his name is Riley and he is just perverted. I catch him looking at my breasts and he licks over his lips once again. I fix my top a little to cover myself more and I try to avoid eye contact.

"Oh c'mon baby. I don't bite, much," He says seductively. His hand reaches over to grab mine but before he can I place it in my lap.

"Leave me alone," I huff. I have no intentions on talking or being with a person like this and it is truly disgusting me.

"Hey, you're the one that said hi to me in the first place babe," He chuckles and puts his hands up in mock surrender. I stay quiet after that while everyone is still engrossed in their conversation. I  see Riley occasionaly staring at my breasts and face but I tried my best to ignore it.

The person next to him is a girl who is talking to the person next to me which is a man. The girl looks around my age with dark brown hair that flows just past her shoulders and a tan complexion. Her green eyes look at the man next to me and she nods here and there with his words. When she speaks, a slight australian accent is heard and I do think it is pretty cool to have two accents fill this room. I want her accent but I can't have it.

One british, one australian. Lucky fuckers.

The man next to her looks slightly older than me and has musles that are evident through his thin white shirt. His light brown hair contains rays of blond and a freshly shaven beard covers his chin. Even so, his face holds a scowl and his eyes are a bit dark, though I can't see the color.

In all honesty he is also very attractive and I have to admit that so is Riley but he is crossed right off my list due to his perverted self.

I might have stared a bit too long at him because during his conversation with the girl next to him and the man next to me, he caught me looking and I quickly look down. Once I looke up again he is no longer facing me but the scowl still adorns his face. He just looks frustrated and angry for some reason but I'm not going to talk to him right now. I don't need to make a mistake of that again. 

Not even having to look I know that Jenny is next to him and I scowl at myself. She was nice on the plane but she showed me her true colors here.

I hate when people act all nice and innocent to make you think they're good people but once you get to know them more they let out their inner self and honestly they need to get a life . I'm not going to waste my time on someone who is fake.

The man next to me looks oldest out of all of us and has an alcohol belly. During our meal he went for seconds and then thirds. He also asked for a beer from Fredrick and to my suprise he actually gave him one and then another one. I didn't think he would but I'm not even sure why I'm shocked. I guess it just has to do with the fact that this place looks more sophisticated than that.

The man is still in his conversation with the girl in front of him and his words sound a bit slurred. Weird how with just two beers he is already tipsy. He must be a lightweight.

His hair recedes back a bit and it is a bit on the bald side. He looks in his middle ages if I'm correct or possibly slightly older.

The last person is the guy with the british accent who sits next to the man who is next to me. This is pretty confusing.

His conversation is the same and I think it's neat to hear his accent. I've always wanted one since I was a little kid but I've always been stuck with a boring American accent.

I listen into his comversation and his voice is deep with a slight secretive side to it. That's how I see it. He says something to the girl and I notice hat he is boasting. I hate when people do that because they just brag about what they have or have accomplished in life and compared to my shitty life it makes me feel worse and envy them even more. These are my least favorite kind of people.

"Is everybody finished yet?" Fredrick appears out of nowhere with his hands placed firmly behind his back and his usual black and white tuxedo. It kind of reminds me of a penguin.

A chorus of 'yes' and nods fill the room. "Good, let's get down to the rules and introductories." He says in his sophisticated voice and stands at the edge of the table. "Now, everyone will introduce themselves and say your ages." He instructs.

"We aren't in fucking preschool," The guy with the big muscles and blonde hair mutters. Fredrick gives him a death stare but he just scoffs.

"Begin,"He points to Riley with his lips in a tight straight line.

"Riley Castellan and I'm twenty-six," He mutters with a smirk on his face. Fredrick nods at Riley and then nods his head in the direction of the girl next to Riley.

"My name is Camille Deleon and I'm twenty-four," So her name is Camille, okay.

"Jake Holden twenty-six," He says in a cold tone. What crawled up his ass?

"I'm Jenny Curtis and my age is twenty- three,". She says with a bored attitude and then flashes a toothy grin. Fake ass bitch.

I wait for the next person to go but all eyes are on me.

"Miss," Fredrick calls my attention. "It's your turn," He says and I hear someone stifle out a giggle.

"Oh sorry. My names Emery Collins and I'm twenty-three," I reply with a slight nervous shake. I twiddle with my fingers and wait for the man next to me to go.

"Name is Sammuel Nielson-burp- and I'm thirty eight," He burps again and rubs his belly. Digusting if I may add.

"The name is Harry Styles and I'm twenty-four."

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