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Harry's P.O.V.

My body feels stiff and weak as I open my eyes. I feel the ground below me and the hard cement scrapes at my fingers. I become aware of my surroundings and everything that happened floods back to me.

I dart up from my previous position and start to take it all in. But the most important thing on my mind right now is making sure Emery is okay and unharmed.

I instantly spot her carelessly thrown on the ground only feet away from me and I take no hesitation into running next to her. I kneel down to her and call to her but she doesn't respond. Not a single groan or hum and it worries me that I can't even see her breathe. I begin to panic and I start making up the worst scenarios in my head. Quickly, I take two fingers and try desperatly to find her pulse.

If something happens to her I don't know what I'd do. For sure I'd be miserable and most likely hate the world for taking her away. Not that I don't already but I'd hate it even more.

My fingers finally touch the soft beat of her pulse and a huge sigh of relief escapes my throat. I rub my forehead with my two fingers and just stare at her for a few moments.

I don't do anything except look at her, but I feel like something is happening. Even if I am just holding her hand and brushing the hair away from her face. Even if we are locked up in a cell with a dim lightbulb hanging from the ceiling; I feel like something is happening. Something great. I don't know why I got myself into this mess, but she makes all this worth a damn.

After about a minute I decide to wake her up. 1) because we need to form a plan and 2) it's pretty scary in here and I think I'm hearing things. (Not that I'd ever admit it) I slightly shake her and call her name.

"Emery. Wake up." I wait a few seconds. No response.

"Emery," I shake her a little harder and and she whimpers. Her eyes flutter open and her hand immediatly flies to her face. She rubs it and then sits up and looks around.

"What is this?" She asks hazily, still drugged with drowsiness.


She seems to snap back to reality as she shuffles to sit up better and looks around the room. "Woah wait where are we oh my god, Harry."

"I...I don't know. We need to find a way to get out but I don't see any so I need your help,"I tell her. The room is just a block of space. No doors. No windows. How the fuck did we get in here in the first place.  It's spans to almost twenty feet wide and fifteen feet across. The floor is scratched up cement and the walls are blocks of stone stacked a top of each other.

"Well...," She peers around. "There are no doors or ways to get out but then how did we even get in here? Do you rememer?"

"No. We must have been knocked out or something."

She sits across from me in criss cross apple sauce and I copy her. She furrows her eyebrows in deep thought and I see her nails begin to scratch her thighs.

"Emery. Don't," I say softly. I hate when she does that because she just harms herself and of course by now I know she does it when she's nervous. It's not a good habit and once in a while when she wears shorts I can see scratch marks along her thighs. It seems difficult to even hurt yourself like that considering she wears jeans all the time but she does have long nails. 

"Right, sorry," She says and stares hard at the floor for a long time. I hear small whispers around me but at first I just ignore it and pass it off as my imagination. Thet continue going and it sounds almost like the wimd but with jumbles of whispy words mixed in.

"Is it just me or do you hear that too?" I ask her. She looks up at me.

"I hear them too. It sounds like people. Ugh," She whines and burries her eyes onto her fist.

"When will I ever get a break!"She yells out but it just makes the voices get louder. The loudness makes it a bit easier to make out some words and I hear spurts of 'save me' 'help' 'witch' 'let me go'.

When she stops yelling the voices go back to their quiet whispering.

"Hey, did you hear that? They got louder when you did and now they're... quiet," I whisper at the end. She notices as well and she yells again.

"I want to go home leave me alone!" Again, the voices get louder and the same words jumble together. 'Don't do it' 'It's not my fault' 'witch' 'curse' 'help'

"God, no no no.The louder you are the louder they get and same goes for quiet. Jesus christ please help me," She prays. She then crawls over to me. And I take her in my arms and hug her as tight as possible. I hear her sigh against my shirt but the voices don't let me really enjoy it.

'don't do it' 'curse' 'don't kill me' 'witch' help' 'save me' 'it's the sins' 'ahhh!' 'stop it' 'please'

"Harry, I'm scared," She whimpers. The voices get a bit louder at her small outburst and she hugs me tighter. "I want to leave."

"I know. The black figure put us in here somehow all we need to do is find out how. We need a plan."

Short short I know. I'm really tired right now so excuse me if it sucked but it was kind of just a filler.

If you want to talk to me kik me @/ultra...violence . Don't be shy and thanks for waiting. Btw 7 Sins has over 10k reads thank you thank you thank you. Keep spreading the story, voting, and commenting.

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