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My eyes widened in shock. "Really? What do you mean?" I questioned. This must have been why he didn't seem so scared of me nor given me dirty looks like the rest of them.

His shoulders fell the slightest and he jumbled with his long fingers."Well, about a day or two before Samuel died, I-I was walking around and then I came to a hallway. It was the one with the mirror in it and I went to look at myself but the figure suddenly flashed across it."

"I thought it was just me being crazy or something so I ignored it. When you said what happened with Samuel I just, I got," He sighed. "I don't know. But I just wanted to say that I do believe you."

I nodded my head in understanding and bit my lip. "So we're the only one's who have seen it so far? Has anyone said anything about it?" I need to know how many people believe me and so far it is only Harry. I'm glad he believes me but I also don't know why only we have seen it. Maybe the others are just too oblivious and don't pay attention to anything going on.

"Yes and no. They haven't said anything about it so I don't think they have. They would probably be freaking out if they did and they all seem to blame you for it."

"Yeah, I know," I murmured with my head still against the wall. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to steady along my breathing. This is making no sense and I hate not having control over situations. Sometimes I do have control  sometimes I don't but when I don't I feel stressed and I just hate it. First the house changing, which I still don't understand, and now Sam dying.

I'm just happy I have at least one person who doesn't suspect me for killing a contestant. Even if it is ever so braggy Harry. Yes, I said braggy.

"You know, I thought this was supposed to be some sort of fake haunted house thing. The more I stay here the realer it feels," Harry says.



I stand in the kitchen making the always perfect for any occasion, time, and day, ramen noodle soup. The perfect heaven in a styrofoam cup. I've been craving this baby for days and on my search to find something to cook earlier today I stumbled upon this beauty.

They were barely out of reach on the highest shelf of the cabinet but I managed to get a stool I found in a closet and retrieve it. I'm not the tallest person but I'm not the shortest either and I'm also not exactly medium. I would qualify myself as an awkward height somewhere within those other heights. A decent height I guess.

I poured the cool water ino the 'cup' and measured it to the exact line where it is supposed to be filled. I then placed it in the microwave for exactly two minutes and thirty seconds to cook.

I drummed my fingers along the counter and just stared at the numbers passing by on the microwave.

Riley entered the kitchen in a swift pace and reached for a cup of water then filled it to the rim.

"Hey baby," He smirked and took a sip from his cup. I ignored him and turned so my back faced him and I was completely staring at the  numbers as they went down on the microwave.

A few seconds passed by and I didn't hear anything else so I assumed he left. Good, I don't need that perverted person in the same room as me.

Arms soon wrapped around my hips making me jump slightly and a hot breath fanned across my neck."Baby talk to me, I know you want me," He spoke seductively but I was quick to shove him off. He stumbled backwards and placed his hands on the counter to balance himself.

"Don't touch me," I glared at him but all he did was snicker and lick those dreaded lips of his.

"Let me touch you baby. You need to relax and I can help you with that," He said and his eyes locked on my breasts while he looked at me with lust. I folded my arms over my chest and continued to glare at him. I am not letting him get near me like that and I will not let him touch me like that.

"Get away Riley," I said louder hoping to get him away from me but all he did was come closer. I backed up against the wall to minimize the amount of space we had together but he just came closer each time.

"Let's have some fun. C'mon baby, I'll take you up to my ro-" I cut him off abruptly.

"And stop calling me baby! I'm not your baby, leave me alone," I yelled. The timer for my noodles beeped and I looked over at it to see that it had finished.

He smirked and approached me even closer while forcefully pushing me against the wall by my wrists. I twisted my arms but it was no use since he was stronger than me. He leaned his face in but before he could do anything he whispered some words, "I don't care if you killed him or not because I'm gonna fuck you long and hard you won't be able to feel your legs for days, baby" He added and snickered. I thrashed around and yelled for help but nobody came.

No suprise there since this is a humungous house and no one here likes me.

He pinned my legs down with his so I wouldn't kick him and just as he was about to forcefully put his digusting lips against mine, a loud voice roared.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Harry came in. Riley looked back and I expected him to look scared but he looke anything but.

"Well hello to you too Harry. I'm trying to spend some alone time with Emery so if you would kindly back the fuck off that would be nice." He spoke harshly while Harry came right up to us. Thank god he arrived or else I would have been forced to make out with this disgusting prick.

Of course I would have resisted but Riley still has more strength than me and I was already losing.

"Get off of her," He spoke in a menacing voice and his accent adding more effect. I'm not too sure if I am exactly friends with Harry after our conversation or not but I think that at most we are aquaintances. He is helping me right now and it wouldn't be bad to have someone to talk to. After our conversation on the black figure, we spoke a while longer and I learned that he is the one who 'lives' in the room in the same hallway as mine. I never really saw him because he explained to me that after Sam's death and seeing the figure he doesn't like to go out much. But him being Harry, he said that he's not even that scared and he knows he already has this in the bag.

"Make me," Riley glared and in a swift movement Harry had him off me and pinned on the kitchen island. I rubbed my wrists lightly and noticed bruises already forming from his tight grip.

"I saw what you were doing, don't touch her like that again." He spat through gritted teeth. He pushed Riley once again and let him go.

Riley glared at him as he walked away and spotted me looking at him. 'This isn't over' he mouthed but I brushed it off.

Harry turned to me and asked if I was alright. I muttered a yes and rubbed my wrists subconsciously.

Harry's eyebrows furrowed and took my arm out of my grasp to examine it.

"He hurt you didn't he."

"It's fine, Harry. It doesn't even hurt much." I said aimlessly. I don't want to start something and then let somebody end up getting hurt again. It's already too much with Sam.

"It's not fine, som-" He began but I was quick to cut him off.

"Harry, thanks but please drop it."I said sternly. He huffed and sat back on the counter while I walked back to the microwave. "Thanks, by the way."

"It's fine," He mimicked me and we both lauged.

"Now gimme my ramen noodle soup," I opened up the microwave and took it out then settled it down. I grabbed a fork and other necessary ingrediants for this fine meal. "Fine ass noodles." I quietly said to myself and curled my fork in the cup to scoop it out. I moaned in pleasure once I ate it and I could feel Harry's eyes on me the whole time. I looked up quickly to see a small smirk on his face.

"You really like the noodles I see." He laughes and I put another forkful in my mouth.

"Mhmm," I mumbled while the noodles dangled down my lips as if I had a beard.

[Sorry for the wait so here is a long chapter in return. Hope you liked it and it gets more interesting so please continue reading. Also, please comment, vote, and share because I want to see what you guys have to say. Thanks for reading and ILYSM <3]

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