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A murky sent filled my nostrils as I entered the room. I squinted my eyes slightly from all the dust passing by and I spotted Harry. His back was facing me and he had his arms limply hanging by his side. I looked up to where he was looking and there were portraits hanging on the walls. Many of them lined the walls and the first picture seemed to be the oldest while the rest were more up to date. The first picture was to the left of the door and was black and white. It was of a man and underneath the portrait was a name and a date.

"Are you still recording this?" Harry asked, barely above a a whisper. He still skimmed the walls and his eyebrows furrowed when he came to the last picture which was halfway across the room.

'Yeah, what is all this?' I wondered out loud and answered his question. I zoomed into the portraits  with my camera and tried to read the name but it was too hard because it was much too old and seemed fainted.

" I don't know,' He answered. "Hey isn't, isn't this, come here," He motioned and I walked over, still filming. The floor was hardwood and the room was in an overall worse condition than the rest of the house. The only thing occupying the area were the portraits and a dim light cascading over the area.

"Look,' He pointed to the picture he was previously looking at. "Isn't this Sam? And the name plate also says Samuel Nielson." I looked closer and it looked exactly like Sam. The name also matched his exactly and a gasp left my lips. Why is there a picture of Sam in this unruly room and why are these other people here as well?

"It is him. But why is it here? Why are all these people here? Wait, it has a date here too," I stopped suddenly and wiped a tiny bit of dust that was beginning to form.

"It says nineteen seventy-six to two thousand fourteen. What the fuck is this, is this some sort of joke?" He said beginning to get irritated. He pulled on the roots of his hair and groaned. I carefully situated the camera around my neck so that it would still record well  and I carefully walked over to him.

"Harry calm down," I sighed. "I, I don't know what this is or what this means but we have to try and figure it out. For godsake's a picture of Sam is up in a random room that we have no idea what it is and it's all just so crazy. We need to find out why and I have so many questions about this place and I, I can't do this alone," I sighed in the end and bowed my head. All of this is truly making my head spin and I know for certain that if I even attempt to do all of this on my own I will fail. Harry is the only one willing to help me and even though I'd probably never tell him, I do enjoy his company. It beats being alone by a long shot.

A sigh came from him next to me and I looked up at him. "I guess we better get solving, huh?" He showed me a weak smile . A sigh of relief left my lips because I honestly thought he might leave me and before I knew it, I wrapped my arms around him. He tensed at my touch and I instantly regretted hugging him. I guess it was a spur of the moment thing so I began to undo my arms. He suddenly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back to him. We stayed there like that for about ten seconds until we both pulled back.

My cheeks turned a light shade of pink and his cheeks were a bit less pink than mine but nonetheless, still pink. I didn't know what to say so thankfully he spoke first.

"So, what was that date again?" He said with a cheeky smirk.


"Thirty, thirty,thirty something. I know he was thirty something. In the late thirties I think?" I questioned him and looked at him with an uncertain expression. We have been trying to find out what the date underneath Sam's picture means and so far we are pretty sure that it is the time he lived. Since it is 1976 to 2014 it would be thirty-eight years old and that's why we're trying to figure his age out to see if it matches.

"Yeah, so he's most likely thirty-eight then. That's what it must mean," He announced. I sucked in a sharp breath not totally convinced that this is what it means.

"Well," I trailed off. "I guess it can be that. It's just that," I sigh. " It seems to simple, ya know? Like, shouldn't there be something more to it?" I said unconvinced. Harry chuckled and shook his head slowly.

"Things don't always need to be so complicated, Emery. Sometimes things are more simple than they seem." 

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