Prisoner of Past and Future

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Authoress' Note: Well, I did get inspired by the whole Dragon Ball Super craze with Future Trunks' /Black Goku arc, so here I am yet again writing another story. If anyone's wondering, this fanfic is rated M for obvious reasons. Anyone who doesn't like that can get out. Now preferably instead of reading on.

Those of you who are still here reading this, don't say I didn't warn you that this isn't going to be like the other stories I've written. This will make even Bound look tame compared to the violence this story's going to be covering—and it's due to me being much older and wiser that I can say that with confidence. (See my profile on FF(dot)net for more information.)

First off, there will be violence and possibly tender moments mixed in there, though I hadn't decided where that is going to fall just yet. Second, Black Goku is NOT Zamasu in this story. I mean yes, that was a total cop-out having some evil bastard take someone's body when I was actually alright with the idea of Goku becoming evil. Then again, it's better than those who thought an adult Goten was terrorizing Future Trunks' world.

And I'm making Goku evil 'cause I can damn it!

You're all probably wondering, "But Chibi, you already wrote several stories about Goku becoming evil." "What about Bound? That one story you just finished?" "Captive Souls? Soul's Requiem?" "That Unexpected Fate series you're still haven't finished re-writing because you're too lazy?"

Okay, you know what, I have written Goku as evil in the past, but nothing on this level of evil. There will be murders that will be asinine that you probably would hate how I handled it, but let's face it-Zamasu is a total dick with what he did, and I could imagine that he could have achieved his ultimate goals a bit differently without stealing a mortal's body.

And don't get me started with that fusion bullshit—if you want that, look elsewhere—it's not happening in this story. There is no hero even going to be able to hold a flame towards our antagonist this time, and fuck time travel! Trunks won't be able to save everyone he loves since he's going to be our story's only protagonist.

Of course, as usual, I don't own the series. If I did, I would have lots of money and spend a lot more time writing these kinds of stories for a living—hey, it's called fanfiction for a reason folks! Then again, if I did own them, I'd probably also be committed to some asylum for the kind of things I write, so I suppose there's a good and bad to this line of thinking...

Anyway, those of you still reading after those final warnings, feel free to read on. Yeah, it's short, but if you know my writing style by now, my prologues tend to be short sniplets of things to come.

Oh, and please don't take my cursing as a sign that I've gone nuts. I just wanted to spice up the opening of this prologue with something different. Plus, I am just taking advantage of this rating mostly.

~Chibi Mirai Gogeta

Black Divergence


A green skinned man with white hair appeared from the shadows in traditional garbs that were blessed by the supreme beings that were known as the overseers of the universe—the kaioshin. On the ground sitting in his own filth was a Saiya-jin whose battle prowess the being seemed fascinated with. It had taken so much time and planning to obtain him, but it was oh so worth the wait.

The captive Saiya-jin wore chains made of the strongest metal that sapped his strength, yet, the corrupt godly being assumed that the chains that held the warrior captive was more than likely feigning his weakness. It had only been a day since his abduction, and the kaioshin's plans have yet to come to fruition.

"Son Goku, are you ready to listen to me?" the kaioshin questioned aggressively. Two green earrings adorned his pointed ears. His confident gaze was nearly lifeless, staring deep into the wounded Saiya-jin's soul almost though silently condemning him to hell for his past transgressions.

"Why did you kill them?" Goku growled angrily. He was slightly injured—otherwise, the wounds he obtained were nothing compared to what he had done. The helpless Saiya-jin had witnessed the slaughter of his wife and son by this evil heartless bastard that stood there with a smug shit eating grin on his face.

"Because I desire power," the being spoke. "Power in which you can provide if you are willing to cooperate with me."

"I'd rather die than help you!" Goku roared with fury. He struggled at his binds—yet, the newly appointed kaioshin was not in the least threatened by this warrior's efforts.

"I could have easily killed you, but I have plans for you Son Goku," the being whispered coldly near his ear. He caressed the man's face only to be nearly bitten by the Saiya-jin's teeth. He quickly pulled his hand away, somewhat startled by the man's attempts to fight back, even if it was in vain. "I find it fascinating how mortals such as yourself have such power that us gods dream of."

"Don't you dare touch me!" Goku warned icily. His eyes flickered teal for a fleeting moment before the unworldly glow faded from around his body. The chains sapped his energy yet again, taking away what strength he had to fight against his captor.

"You will come around in time," the kaioshin tsked in disappointment before walking out of the barren room—the dungeon he had his prisoner confined within. "All you need is the correct motivation to do as I request."

The cell door closed with a resounding thud. Immediately after the man left the cell, Goku struggled, pulling as hard as he could at his bindings, but the chains held him firmly to the wall. The longer he stayed in this prison cell, the less likely he would be able to avenge Chi-chi and Goten.

'I won't let your deaths be in vain! I swear he'll die for what he did!' Goku thought silently to himself—remembering with anguish the last sight of his beloved wife and baby boy as Zamasu mercilessly slaughtered them before his eyes. It was unlike his character to wish for death for anyone—never in his life had he felt this angry about anyone killing others needlessly.

Sadly, Goku would have been grateful that his wife and youngest son had died the death they were given compared to the ones that he would bore witness to in the days ahead.


The chirping of birds singing outside awoke the slumbering warrior from within the walls of his cabin. Cold sweat ran down his brow and he sat up, the sheets falling from his nude body and pooling to the hardwood floor. The morning light streamed through the balcony window almost though a silent promise of a beautiful day. Yet, there was nothing beautiful about the view, especially since he felt every bit dead inside.

'Fucking nightmares...' Goku thought angrily to himself. He rose from bed without regarding how indecent he happened to be. Not that it mattered—there was no living being around for miles—considering that he had killed them months ago and taken refuge within the previous owner's home. His blackened clothes hung over the railing of the bathtub, yet, he decided to go without them for the time being. That is until he was ready to go out and entertain himself again with his latest pastime.

This house was his sanctuary, and yet, it did little to distract him from the endless nightmares he had of the past that continuously haunted him. It was within that each night, these visions he had were a recollection of his life in captivity, his life enslaved to a man that had taken everyone he cared about away.

A man he had grown to know in time in captivity named Zamasu.

To Be Continued...

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