Corrupted Friendship

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Authoress' Note: Recently, I learned the death of Bulma's Japanese voice actress, Hiromi Tsuru, and I know I am not doing this story any justice. That is why before reading this, let us remember the one who truly made this anime successful. Without her talented voice, we would never had seen such a beautiful story evolve. She will be deeply missed.

Thank you for your time.

This chapter, like many others, WILL be dark. However, for the sake of Bulma' voice actress recently passing away, I will show a bit of mercy for her character.

And yes, I am not sorry for how this chapter ended since I am already working on the next one. Expect the cliffhanger folks 'cause I'm not revealing my next hand yet.


Black Divergence

Chapter 05

The sound of typing filled the darkened room, a small screen lit and casting long shadows across the ground. Within the dungeon-like place, a woman with fading blue hair works feverishly on attempting to create yet another miracle. While she had hoped that she had made more effort to create the fuel for the time machine, the world suddenly being thrown into hell a year ago did little to help Bulma with her pet project.

Trunks did not speak of who was ravaging the world much, especially after she learned that it Goku doing the deed. When she first heard this, she almost thought her heart stopped. The thought of her dear old friend doing such a horrific thing made her tear up to the point that she had nearly dismissed it until she witnessed it weeks later.

Immediately after, Bulma had worked day and night to gather the resources necessary to make the fuel. Her efforts were thwarted somewhat though when the Saiya-jin had destroyed several facilities that housed the ingredients. Since then, she relied on those who could get her what she needed—even the smallest supplies barely managed to make it to her hands, and by then, she had lost some progress making it due to the senseless destruction that surrounded her.

Drawing the slowly burning cigarette to her lips, Bulma inhaled to stave off the stress that she had been feeling as of late. She knew that the cancerous stick would kill her faster, but she knew her younger years had been long lost. All she knew was that the smoke she exhaled did manage to release what tension she felt.

In the past, Vegeta had reprimanded Bulma for this course of action, but the damn bastard went and gotten himself killed despite her own warnings, leaving her to raise her infant son as the others fell to the androids. If anything, the man was a hypocrite for how he treated her, and she had every right to live her life as she damn well pleased.

The thought of Vegeta's death brought Bulma back to the night Gohan arrived at her doorstep, his flaxen hair standing on end as tears streamed down his face. When she saw the injured boy, she demanded him what had happened. Instead, he remained mute, even as the heiress saw the pained expression burning in his eyes. She could not imagine the horrors he had witnessed that day, let alone to bring himself to speak of for another month. By then, Bulma had found her husband's corpse in its advanced state of decomposition, the armor he wore almost completely undamaged. She had even found the others' remains who had fallen to the androids who destroyed the city for their amusement in similar states, each one in far worse condition than the last. The only one she did not find was Yajarobe's body—she would learn later that somehow, he had managed to survive, but remained largely hidden so the androids would not attempt to kill him again.

While Goku's son had also escaped that day, Gohan was forever scarred by the events. He would in time train her own son in a bid to destroy the androids; however, Trunks did so after traveling to the past. As for Gohan...

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