Good Morning

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Authoress' Note: Y'all might be wondering—Chibi, what the heck is up with this chapter title? I mean, who titles a chapter "Good Morning" when this is a dark fic?

Well, there's a valid reason for this chapter—it's going to explain a lot of backstory which we have eluded since I started this crazy idea. And yes, there's gonna to be a slight mention of fusion in this chapter, but as I said in the prologue, it's not happenin' in this story as heavily as I have abused it in Void (read that story if you're interested in that sort of thing). It's mainly used as a plot point and nothing more.

The idea came from the manga version of Super—only difference is I'm not going to have an army of Zamasu breakdancing despite my horrible headcannon of that scene. (I am STILL tempted to make that, but need a lot of time and a new computer to make this happen.)

So, expect some back and forth of the past and future events, because this rollercoaster ride ain't over yet folks! If I'd had to guess, it's only gonna go downhill from here on!

Yes, I'm abusing my privileges as a writer again dang it, but I couldn't resist touchin' on some of the finer details of writing these. I'm probably having too much fun.


Black Divergence

Chapter 04

The air felt wonderful to Goku, who was walking through the empty villa which was previously bustling with life hours earlier. Ever since Zamasu left him to his own devices, the Saiya-jin found himself at war with the idea of killing the planet's inhabitants. At least until one of them attempted to harm him and he instinctively fired a blast.

'Why did you kill him?' Zamasu questioned in a sadistic manner shortly after taking a life.

'I... I felt threatened...' Goku was startled that he had taken a life—wiping it away like it was nothing. He was afraid of the power he possessed, afraid that he could easily use it against someone without a second thought. He was breathing at the point of hyperventilating, yet, at the same time, he felt freer, able to do whatever he pleased without being ridiculed or judged.

'And?' Zamasu pressed, wanting to hear the words he longed for—knowing by the maddening look in the Saiya-jin's eyes that he was on the verge of something.

'I... I want to do it again and again... until there's nothing left...' Goku admitted, almost though he was confessing his mortal sins before a god—a god that he had no idea permitted this kind of behavior without trying to condemn his actions.

'Then by all means, do it,' Zamasu commanded. The Saiya-jin that he harbored lunged at the other villagers. The deity watched with morbid fascination at the way they were easily dispatched by the warrior's hand without a shred of mercy.


Thunder rumbled outside of the cabin, shaking the foundation slightly as Goku awoke, stark naked in bed. His stomach grumbled in protest despite what Zamasu had done to him what felt like eons ago. Even though he did not require as much nourishment as he did in the past, he still needed something to ensure that he had the battle power necessary to deal with pesky affairs.

Rising from bed, Goku walked towards the kitchen and opened the door to the fridge. He fished out what food he had hunted a day or two prior, knowing that it would stay fresh as long as it was not exposed to room temperature for hours at a time. Hauling the deer's meat outside, he jumped down from the balcony near the firepit where he would often prepare his meals without any concern of other people worrying about a wildfire. Even he managed to ensure that the tranquil forest he used as his retreat never caught fire—he considered this place his last bit of peace within this hellish world.

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