Finale A

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Authoress' Note: Since there were not many votes during the polling, I have decided to write both endings anyway. Not because I was disappointed in the lack of responses, rather, to show a contrast of potential paths.

This ending will follow what the fans wanted overall but let me tell ya—he's not getting it that easy. I am going to throw in all of the worst twists in this chapter that you are not going to expect overall.

As for the alternate ending, you won't have to wait that long. Believe me, the alternate ending will differ from this version of events. I decided to work this way just because I felt that you all deserve something original—a battle to end all battles.

Plus, these finales will be longer for your reading pleasure. I figure it was the least everyone deserves for a story that has truly defied my own expectations.

Enjoy everyone, because I haven't pulled any punches writing this!

~Chibi Mirai Gogeta

Warning: Character death, blood... and well, this is an M rated fic, so that's to be expected.

Black Divergence

Finale A

Thunder roared through the heavens, a storm announcing the change of fate and the future. Trunks' battle cry echoed throughout the ruins as he threw a punch that Goku dodged by pivoting his body. The seasoned warrior managed to grab the younger man's arm as the Super Saiya-jin 3 was suddenly thrown into a building that collapsed right on top of him.

Emerging from the rubble moments later, Trunks gasped as he saw Goku had vanished. He was taken by surprise when he was struck from behind by an energy blast hitting him square in the back. He turned but saw no sign of the corrupt hero standing anywhere near him.

'He must be using Instant Transmission,' Trunks quickly surveyed the area, his heartbeat thundering in his ears. He recalled the veteran had learned this what felt like a lifetime ago, and as it stood, the younger man was at a disadvantage—Goku's ability to teleport instantly made him a dangerous adversary, even more so than the androids he fought years ago.

Forced on the defensive, the long golden-haired warrior listened for any telltale signs of the stealth-like attack. He had hoped to hear footfalls, breathing, anything, but all he heard was absolute silence.

And it was growing more maddening by the second. If anything, it was as though the young man was in a horror movie, half-expecting that the heinous fiend would emerge from the shadows and attack when his guard was down. Thankfully, he was not foolish enough to drop his guard, especially with someone as skilled as Goku literally poised to attack at any of his vital signs if given a moment's hesitance.

'Stay calm and focus,' Trunks thought silently to himself. 'Remember what Gohan taught you when you were fighting the androids...'

"It's a shame," Goku's voice came from Trunks' right. He turned in that direction, but he saw no one there. "I half-expected you to have improved much more than this..." Behind? The young man whirled around, but the same result. He turned, and there in front of him was the very man he had been seeking. He had no time to dodge, let alone block when he was suddenly slammed into the ground on his back, the older full-blooded Saiya-jin pinning him down with his full body weight.

The wind was knocked out of Trunks' lungs as he saw stars for a fleeting moment. He had not expected the pink-haired being to toy around with him like this. A psionic blade was literally at his throat seconds later.

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