Blackened Reunion

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Authoress' Note: This chapter was probably the second hardest one to write, considering that this is leading up to the end game between Goku Black and Trunks.

However, note that this is not the last chapter for this story.

Not yet anyway.

Yes, I could rush it and just write the ending that everyone voted for, but where would the fun be in that? Plus, I thought I torture everyone waiting one more chapter for the winner.

It's obvious who the winner's going to be, but come on! Do I look like the type who writes battles in one go?

Not counting a few stories that I have written in the past, I just wanted to leave everyone in suspense just a bit longer as I write an ending worthy of such a death battle between these two super powers.

Plus, who knows how this story will actually end?

Thanks everyone for the support as I write this crazy story. Hopefully, everyone's excited about the end.

By the way, thank you all for your feedback, especially the little black cat I finally brought into the story at a critical moment. I didn't forget about the little guy, I just wanted to put him in where it was needed. And don't worry, our little friend's not going to get involved in this fight.


Black Divergence

Chapter 08

Goku grinned at the destruction that he was causing from a rooftop, the fire casting a reddish glow on the otherwise stark landscape. The screams of agony and death filled the air, making him giddy with excitement that humanity was slipping ever closer to extinction with each death he was responsible for causing. Soon, he would have completed what he had been sent to Earth to do decades ago.

And once he was done, he would truly embrace the peace that he had sought for since being enslaved by Zamasu by living on this world alone. Without being judged for his actions, for the monster he had truly become, and truly rejoice in his long-awaited victory.

"BLACK!" a familiar voice roared angrily from the darkened skies above. Goku turned towards the half-breed Saiya-jin who glared at him coldly. His boots clapped upon the surface moments later, the stern expression almost smoldering on Trunks' face.

"It's a shame, really," Goku smirked, trying to rile the younger man up further. "You have Vegeta's blood flowing in your veins, and yet, you despise killing men, women, and children. Why?"

"It's because I'm nothing like you, you murderer," Trunks hissed at the way the full-blooded Saiya-jin spoke of genocide almost though it were mere pastime. "Why did you kill my mother? Mai? All of these people?"

"Are you truly that naïve to be asking a man who has slaughtered millions why he kills?" Goku tsked, disappointed in the younger generation for not understanding his motives. "I kill your mother because she's lived such a sheltered life compared to the thousands of others that suffered—myself included."

Trunks stiffened. He hated how Goku spoke of his mother almost though she were nothing but a coward. He had seen how hard she had worked, how much she had sacrificed over the years to ensure that the others lived. And yet, here this bastard was demeaning her memory.

"The woman that you were flirting with? She's long lived past her prime—and to be honest, I thought you could have done much better than flirting with an older woman," Goku continued, not in the least bit bothered by the inner turmoil the younger man was going through.

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