Paint it Black

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Authoress' Note: Anyone still with me after that last chapter?

Well, I did kind of warn everyone that I wasn't pulling punches for this story. I just hope I didn't take it too far killing Chi-chi. Murder is perhaps a bit more merciful than what's planned later in a later chapter. By that point, I doubt I'll be able to post it without repercussions, so there will be an unedited chapter will be available on Wattpad for those who wish to read when that comes up.

This chapter's title ironically came to me as I was thinking of the confrontation of Goku and Trunks, so anyone who gets the title's reference, great job!

Anyone who doesn't can go look up Rolling Stone's song already! I only blame myself for thinking about the song, which made me think of Twisted Metal Black.

Great, now I feel so old making a reference to a game that came out the same year I started writing fanfics... *Shakes head.* By the way, I did play that game quite a bit while it was popular, and that game's story is darker than this one by a long shot!

As for the end of the chapter, originally, I was going to pay homage to the song until I revisited it and knew how it would not flow for the story. Instead, I hinted at unexplained circumstances that will be revealed soon enough despite people more than likely figuring it out. If so, kudos to you, but for everyone else, it will all make sense in due time.


Black Divergence

Chapter 03

The chains on Goku's wrists and ankles were undone—freeing the Saiya-jin who glanced up at his captor. It had felt like eons since he had been locked away as the mortal rose to his feet. He was thin—so thin that it was sickening how his torn clothes hung upon his frame.

"Son Goku, how would you like to go for a hunt?" Zamasu asked the mortal warrior who looked at him quizzically.

"Hunt?" Goku parroted. He seemed somewhat interested. Ever since the demented kaioshin brought him to this place against his will, he had barely done anything more than sit around idle or killed the occasional humans that were brought to his feet.

"Indeed, it would probably do you some good to get some fresh air, get out in the sun..." Zamasu spoke with a sadistic grin as he held out his hand to the Earth-raised Saiya-jin. It did sound better than staying in the gloomy room he had been housed in.

"Where are we going?" Goku questioned.

"You will see when we get there," Zamasu promised. "After all, I think you need to be surprised."

"Surprised..." Goku nodded absentmindedly, not even thinking about the kaioshin's words. The idea of leaving was enough for him.

"If you really want, you can also eat afterwards."

Pain echoed in the hollow pit of Goku's stomach. While he was unable to die of hunger, it did not mean that he was not weakened by it. Perhaps the respite from such a horrid dwelling would help him regain what strength he lost.

"Let's go..." Goku reached towards the kaioshin and in moments, the dank surroundings vanished.


The swirl of bright reds and earth tones confused Goku's sight at first, yet, as his vision adjusted, he saw that he had been brought to another world courtesy of Zamasu. Before the Saiya-jin were creatures that resembled compact lizards walking upright.

Black DivergenceWhere stories live. Discover now