No Hope, No Future

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Authoress' Note: Welcome back my faithful readers to yet another chapter of pure insanity and dread.

I would like to personally thank MikeV1 for his latest reviews on FF(dot)net, and would like to answer them here. After I read the manga version of the events regarding the Potara retcon, I ended up changing it slightly mainly to fit this story. In all fairness, I thought the manga was a lot more interesting using that retcon than the anime, so I decided to roll with it.

Yes, it's hard writing emotions during certain scenes that call for sadness, humor, or anger, hence the wait between writing chapters takes a bit longer than needed. I should also mention is I usually hate watching horror movies—writing the last chapter did take some ingenuity on my part. Ironically enough, I wrote most of the chapter in one day after posting the previous chapter, and I did very little editing compared to the other chapters.

Well, as the title states, our time traveler's going to be in a lot of trouble this chapter. How you may ask? Well, it seems you'll have to read to find out. After all, I'm sure no one actually saw this twist coming.

Before reading on, I would like to post a poll that will require a review: Who would you like to win at the end of this story? Goku Black or Future Trunks?

You can only vote once. The one with the most votes will determine how the finale will play out.

There might be an opportunity that I might just post the alternate ending just for shits and giggles though, considering if one prefers an alternate ending.

Happy voting folks and your feedback is greatly encouraged!


Black Divergence

Chapter 06

An explosion rocked the earth as Trunks rushed towards his mother's lab, his heart racing at the thought of what remaining family meeting her end at that monster. The lack of footfalls sent a wave of panic through his being as he finally reached the basement and saw a curtain of flames impeding his way. Within the burning rubble, he saw Bulma's body lying broken on the floor—he was too little, too late.

"Mom!" Trunks yelled, rushing forward despite the flames separating him from the woman who had given so much to him. Pulling her lifeless body in his arms, he felt the tears stinging his eyes. He could not bring her back due to what Goku had done to her. The way he did it made it seem almost though he tortured her slowly and show the young man how fragile life truly seemed.

A faint beeping sound made Trunks jump and he saw the sealed canister that held what fuel he needed to head back to the past in a bid to stop Goku's unholy rampage. Setting his mother down for the final time, he walked over and pulled it off before the fire could spread towards the device.

"Mom, I'm sorry I didn't save you in time," Trunks growled angrily. "I'll make it up to you by ensuring he goes to hell where he belongs..."

The tears were stinging his eyes as he slipped through the fire and up the stairwell to safety. What fuel he had was going to send the warrior on a one-way trip to the past, and because of it, he would make certain that he saves what family he has left.


Mai was hiding within one of the dilapidated buildings where she left her remaining ammo. Ever since Trunks left the base without warning, she kept herself busy preparing her weapon for the upcoming battle against Goku. She knew that her friend would return soon, so it kept her mind occupied off the thoughts of him for the time being.

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