Chapter 1

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Aeroplanes are terrifying. I've always had a massive fear of heights, ever since I can remember. Sitting here and waiting to board our flight is making my anxiety raise through the roof. My mom had a mental breakdown after my dad left her, well after she caught him cheating in her red handed. I couldn't imagine the pain she felt, coming home and watching the love of her life, inside another woman. I would probably have a breakdown too. She decided to have a fresh start with me, take me away from that life completely. So we are moving to Wales, United Kingdom. Plus we are going there as she's now a registered patient with one of the best psychiatrist in the UK. I can say that leaving 16 years of my life behind in Canada was not going to be easy. Leaving my dad was though, after seeing what he has done to my mom, he's dead to me.
"You're going to like Wales, Jayden. There's loads of forestry around where we are going to live! I know you enjoy going outdoors!" smiled mom. She tries to stay positive for me, but I know she's in constant pain. Mentally broken. She was right though, I do love going out into nature. I feel quite content with the trees and the fresh air. What can I say? I guess I'm a bit of a tree hugger. Always got made fun of for being a 'hippy' in my old school. Always been sort of an outcast. But that's who I am, and I'm not going to change for anyone. If having longish hair and wearing harem trousers makes you a hippy then damn right that's what I am.
"Flight 324 for Wales, gate 3, now boarding." spoke a microphoned voice.
"Oh honey! Let's go, that's us!" chirped mom as she sprung up. "Gotta make sure we have our tickets, gonna need those for sure!" She start d frantically looking for our boarding tickets through her hand bag, getting a little flustered. "Oh gosh, oh gosh! I know I have them, I definitely have them, I swear I-"
"Mom!" I interrupted, before she got way too worked up. "It's okay, I have them. Remember I took them so you wouldn't lose them." I waved them in front of her face. She sighed with relief and then pull d me close.
"You're a life saver, I totally forgot!" She kissed my forehead.
"Just calm down okay? Take your pills." I said, holding her back then releasing myself from her. She nodded and pulled out her prescribed pills. I never fully knew what those pills did. Relaxed her? Kept her sane? All I knew is that they helped. We grabbed our hand luggage and headed towards the boarding gate.
We were boarded and seated very quickly. I got a seat away from the window so I couldn't see how high we were going to be before our long flight ahead of us. Mom was in her own little world, getting excited over the complimentary headphones, peanuts and slippers. She nattered on about how soft the slippers were and how she wanted a pair to herself. I smiled at her and studied her. She has sunken in eyes which looked exhausted. Her lips were chapped and she had a few crows feet. Her hair was turning grey and the blonde was very lifeless. All up get arms were cuts which were scabs now, too new to scar yet. He did this to her, the man I am disgusted to call a father. He did this to my once happy, beautiful, sane mother. Hopefully this new beginning will help her, hopefully this psychiatrist will help her, hopefully I will get my mother back.

The flight was long and boring. I tried to forget about how high we were up in the air, tried to imagine that I was just on a bus or something. Keep my anxieties low. My mom had been entertained by the British movies being aired during the flight. I kept my eyes closed for most of the flight but all I could picture was Canada, as I was truly going to miss it. Even though I was miserable.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking. Can you all fasten your seat belts as we are now making our decent into Wales, United Kingdom." spoke the Captain though a microphone.
"Finally." I whispered to myself in relief, stretching myself out as much as I could in the cramped seat. The tv's turned off suddenly which made my mom jump.
"Oh my! Who did that? What kind of joke is this?! Not funny!" cried Mom. I quickly pulled her ear phones from her ears and turned her towards me before people started staring.
"Mom! It's okay, we're landing now. We're in Wales, calm down!" I tried to calm her. Her crazy eyes stopped looking around and focused on me. Her eyes were wide and her pupils were pin pricked. "Mom, how long had it. Wen since you had your pills?" I asked, knowing she hasn't had any in a while.
"Um, must of been before we boarded, do I need to take them now?" she asked, with a smile back on her face. I smiled back at her.
"I think you should, the airport is going to be busy. Don't want you freaking out, do we?" I patronised. She shook her head and reached for her pills. I laid back and gripped the arm rests as the plane started to come down. I could feel my stomach bouncing as the plane got lower and lower. The wheels finally hit the floor as I loosened my grip on the arm rests. I made it. I didn't die. I'm still here. I sighed with relief as we prepared to depart from the plane.
I made sure my mom had all of her hand luggage before mine and then we made our exit off the plane.
"Thank you, hope you enjoyed your flight." smiled the air hostess as we left. Yeah if you enjoy being flung up into the air, thousands of feet up with no escape and you can fall to your death at any given second.
When I stepped out of the plane I was greeted with a cold breeze and fine spits of rain. Oh yeah, seems like a great country so far. We made our way out of the plane and led into the airport. There were weird signs everywhere, obviously must of been Welsh. I tried reading them but failed each time. So did mom, she kept laughing at them.
"Those aren't words!" she laughed. I hurried her along, almost embarrassed. We made it through customs and then collected our bags. From there we went out to the collection point where we were told there was someone waiting to pick us up. "There should be someone holding a sign with our last name on, I hope they spelled it correctly!" spoke mom as she prepared to take mor rig her pills. I scanned the airport looking for our name until it caught my eye. I spotted a woman, looked like she was in her late twenties, with dark brown hair and tanned skin, holding a sign which said 'Balter'. That's was our last name.
"Hey mom, over there!" I pointed out to her. I pulled her over towards the woman.
"Hello, you must be the Balters?" asked the woman with a strong Welsh accent.
"Yes! Hello, I'm Helena ad this is my wonderful, lovely, handsome, bundle of joy son, Jayden." exaggerated mom. The woman stood there speechless for a moment and then looked at me. I gave her a stern look as to say "go with it".
"Right, well I'm Lucy, I've heard much about you guys. I'm Doctor Gordon's assistant, he's your new psychiatrist." smiled Lucy. Mom had gotten in contact with the psychiatrist before making the decision to move to Wales to make sure she was getting the best. My mom isn't stupid, she knows she's ill. She knows she needs help, she just wants to help herself and try and stay positive, for me. Doctor Gordon had helped her get a new house in Wales, just so he could treat her. This is why I didn't fight her in moving, if he was willing to help her live here, he must be one of the best. Shows that he really cares and that he really does want to help. "Doctor Gordon has asked me to take you guys to your new home as he's very busy with his other patients today. You'll get to meet him tomorrow." said Lucy as she reached out to help with moms cases.
"Aw! That's very kind of him! I can't wait to meet him, what a lovely man! See Jayden, didn't I say he was lovely!" nudged mom. I smirked at her.
"Right, follow me this way to the car and we can go get you guys settled into your new home." Lucy lead the way, dragging some of our cases behind her whilst myself and mom followed. At this moment I wasn't too sure what to think of Wales. Guess I need to see the outside of it more and see our house before I got a full opinion on it.

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