Chapter 3

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"Shit, shit, shit, shit!" I heard my mom cry from down stairs. My eyes burst open to the sound, followed by the smell of burning. I pounced straight out of bed, almost losing my balancer from head rush, then ran down stairs to my mom. I stoped to a vault in the kitchen to find my mom in her dressing gown, fanning the toaster with a kitchen towel as smoke came out of it.
"Mom! What the hell?!" I cried to the scene. She turned to face me and smiled, continuing to fan the toaster.
"Oh! Good morning Jayden! Toast?"
"What are you doing?!" I cried as I rushed over to her. I pressed 'cancel' on the toaster and then unplugged it. Two bits of burned black toast came flying out and landed on the floor. My mom started jumping, clapping her hands and laughing.
"Woo! You did it, that's my boy!"
"How did you burn toast that badly?" I questioned, a little disoriented. "Have you had your pills this morning?"
"No, Doctor Gordon said I need to visit him without taking them this morning, so he can analyse me whilst I'm not on them." she smiled greatly. I raised an eyebrow at her, a little uncertain about the idea.
" you want me to walk you to Dr Gordon's?" I asked. Mom grabbed a slice of untoasted bread and started slapping some butter on it.
"Oh no dear, Dr Gordon is coming to pick me up, but thank you, such a good boy!"
"Okay, I'm going t get dressed." I said, picking up the burned toast and putting it in the bin. I turned and looked at mom once more before heading up stairs, she was using the knife as spoon to eat just butter. I rolled my eyes and zoomed up stairs.
By the time I had showered and dressed, I heard a car pull up pushed the front. I opened my balcony doors and walked out over to the edge to see a fancy looking car parked outside. I saw my mom run out towards the car. She noticed me in the balcony and looked up.
"Hello sweetie, I'm going with Doctor Gordon now, I'll see you later on! Be good!" she cried up to me. She blew a kiss to me before hopping into the car. I'd didn't get a sight of Doctor Gordon at all. I just hoped she was going to be okay and that this Doctor will do her some good, maybe bring her back to reality. I sighed as I watched the car pull away from the house and out the drive way. Looking out towards the forest, the idea of going out there and exploring popped into my head. I decided to proceed with that idea. I threw on my poncho jumper before leaving my boots ups. Perfect tree climbing shoes. I then made my way out of the house, locking the door behind me. I took a deep breath in of the fresh, morning air and then made my way down the drive way and out of the property, on to the road. Taking in every detail of my surroundings. I just enjoyed nature so much, it was so calming. Living this close to a forest was literally the best thing that's happened to me. This beautiful greenery was basically my garden, my sanctuary. I skipped off of the road and descended into the trees, making sure to only go in a straight line so I wouldn't become lost, I had all the time in the world to get use to the tracks before going in different directions, I just had to be patient. I walked slowly through the trees with my hands in my pockets, always looking up and around. Spotted a few wild birds in the trees, even a couple of rabbits. I was in my happy place, it was like I was living in a fairy tale.
I spent a fair few hours out in the forest. Connecting with the trees, with nature, even finding a fair few good trees to climb up and have an amazing view of the area. Just as I was about to start heading back, I heard something in the distance. It sounded like flowing water. Suddenly my curiosity grew so I followed my instinct and decided to go and follow the sound. Getting closer in that direction, the sound of flowing water became louder. I suddenly came up to a huge mound of moss, kind of like a forest hill. I made my way up it and peeped my head up over the top. What came into my view was absolutely unbelievable. My eyes revealed to me a massive lake with a tiny little waterfall. There were flowers surrounding the lake along with dragonflies and butterflies flying about everywhere. The water in the lake my crystal clear as well! But the thing that had me stunned the most was the view of a woman. I only saw the back of her but it was clear she was naked and bathing in the water. It wasn't the nakedness that had my eyes locked in her, it was what appeared to be coming out of her back. A set of massive, clear and sparkly wings! This could not be real? I gasped loudly, without thinking. The woman spun around, spotted me and screamed. I was so stunned that I lost my footing on the moss hill and rolled backwards and hit my head on the base of a tree trunk, knocking myself out.
I awoke to the feeling of something caressing my face. I opened my eyes slowly, my vision blurred. I saw a figure leaning above me.
"Shh, don't move." whispered the voice. They're voice was very calming, very soft, feminine.
"Uh...what happened?" I spat out. I raised my arm up towards my head. "Ow!" I moaned.
"By the looks of things, you fell off the moss mound and hit your head on this tree." spoke the voice again. I started blinking hard to try and unblur my vision. Soon my sight became clearer. Above me was someone wearing a brown full face head scarf, so I could only see their eyes. They're eyes were so bright, almost a purple colour. I looked down more and noticed they were also wearing a long brown cape, with weaved trousers and long sleeve top. I started to slowly sit myself up.
"Hey...who are you?" I asked. They moved they're hands off of me and back to them self. Definitely female hands.
"I...I'm were...I'm just leaving." she said, standing up quickly.
"Hey, wait!" I called out to her, slowly standing up. Before I was fully standing and balancing, she had already hopped up onto the moss mound and jumped down the other side. Gone. I kept my balance, rubbed the back of my head and then shook my head before attempting to climb back up the moss mound. How the hell dis she hip up on to this? It's quite high and a bit slippery. "Wait!" I cried my bet the top. When I reached the top and looked over, there was no one in sight. Just the beautiful view of the lake. Did I imagine that woman with wings? I must of done. I've been so caught up with how beautiful this forest is, I was probably tricking my mind into believing this really is a fairy tale land. But where did that other woman go? Her eyes were immense! What was she doing out here? Where did she come from? So many questions and so little answers. I took one more glance around at the breath taking lake and then slid back down the moss. Think it's time to head back, I can come explore this place another time. I shook my head and then rubbed it. Got a bit of a headache but other than that, I was all good. I glanced at my watch to see how long I was passed out for. Three thirty!? Shit! I've been out for hours, mom might be home by now and she doesn't know where I am! I quickly made sure I had everything and then raced back in the direction I came in, running through the forest like a wild deer. Kind of imagined myself as one to be honest. I made it back out of the trees and then raced up the road towards the house. I burst right through the front door, trying to catch my breath. "Mom! Are you home?" I called, exhausted. No answer. "Hello?" I called again, starting to walk through the house. Still nothing. I sighed with relief. She must still be with Doctor Gordon, she always comes running to me when she sees me, bless her. I walked into the kitchen, deciding to make myself a sandwich. Quite hungry since I haven't eaten anything today and been out since half nine. I made my food and then headed into the living room to watch a little tv and enjoy my food. I couldn't stop thinking about the recent events. Did I really see a woman with wings? I couldn't of, stuff like that doesn't exist. I must of just been overwhelmed by the forests beauty. But what about that girl who found me? Who was she? How did she have those ninja skills and where did she go? Wales seems like a curious place.

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