Chapter 4

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I awoke to loud chime of the grandfather clock, jumping me awake. I must of fallen asleep on the couch. The tv was still on, playing a random channel that just carried on through my sleep. The plate from my sandwich had fallen in the floor with my crusts now on my lap. I sighed and picked them up, brushing myself down of crumbs. I looked up at the clock. Six forty, it read. The house was still silent though. Where was mom? Just as I thought I'd that question, I heard a car pull up outside. Placing the crusts back in the plate and then the plate on the coffee table, I got up and walked over to the window next to the door and pulled the curtain back slightly. I saw my mom step on from that fancy car, leaning in through the window saying goodbye. I tried to get a peak of Doctor Gordon, but his sun blind was down, covering his face. Mom stood back and waved the car goodbye with a smile on her face. She looked happier than usual. Maybe this Doctor was doing her some good. I stayed where I was, watching the car, hoping to get a glimpse of the Doctor as he drove out of our drive way. I didn't. Mom came through the door, swinging it open with a force that it almost hit me.
"Oh! Hello darling, didn't see you there!" she gasped. She quickly grabbed me and shatter showering me with kisses. I scrunched my face up and tried to resist her a little.
"Mom, why are you back so late? You've been gone for hours!" I exclaimed, finally getting loose from her grip.
"Sorry! I've spent the day with Doctor Gordon at his psychiatric centre. It's a beautiful place! Nice big building with a huge garden with flowers! A bit like our place, here." she smiled, heading over towards the kitchen. "He wanted to get to know me before we started our sessions, get to know me inside and out. We spoke for hours!"
"Do you think he can help you?" I asked, ruffling my hair. She reached into the cupboards and started pulling out bags of pasta for dinner.
"I believe so, Jayden, I believe so. I've been given these new pills to take with my old ones. He said these will help me sleep better my focus my mind because he said I tend to lose my trail of thought." she smiled at me. Which was very true, she could never concentrate on anything for a long time.
"Good." I spoke back.
"So what did you get up to today?" she asked, filling a pot with water. Before I answered I thought back in the events earlier today. I thought of the naked woman with wings and the ninja reflex girl. I couldn't mention them to mom, she'll think I'm the crazy one, or worse. She's actually believe me and tell Doctor Gordon. The last thing I want is her being taken away to the looney house. So I kept that whole section to myself.
"I...uh...I went exploring the forests. It's really beautiful out there, found a really pretty lake that was alive with nature. Really breath taking." I said. She smiled at me and turned the hob of the oven on, placing the pot of water onto it.
"Sounds lovely dear." she started. "And you get to explore your new school tomorrow! How exciting!" My heart dropped a little to those words. I forgot that I had to start school tomorrow. I wasn't prepared to be bullied and shunned away just yet. I knew I had the forest for sanctuary but I still had to be in a school, a bully central.
"Oh...yeah...exciting." I said, unenthusiastically. Mom didn't notice my tone.
"Pasta?" she turned to me. I nodded at her with a small smile.
That night, we ate dinner together, I watched her take her pills, the new ones were almost a sparkling blue, then we went to bed. I ended up laying in bed, staring at the ceiling tomorrow. Figuring out how I was going to handle any shit that was going to be given to me tomorrow. I obviously didn't want to be bullied, but I knew I was going to be. The new kids always are, especially when you're as different as me. I sighed to myself and studied the curling patterns until I heard a slight tap on my balcony door. It made me jump so I shot bolt up right in bed. I squinted my eyes through the darkness, trying to see through the slight gap on my balcony door curtains. I could see something glistening through the gap. I rubbed my eyes before slowly making my way out of bed and towards the balcony. I tip toed across, trying to be as silent as the night. I reached the curtains of the balcony and slowly placed my hands on each of them. Taking a deep breath, I ripped the curtains open. In front of me was her! The ninja girl! She spun around her purple eyes widened with shock. My jaw dropped open at the sight, as this time, she also had wings! Big , butterfly shaped, clear and sparkly wings! I let got of the curtains and stepped back, loosing my footing causing me to fall onto the floor. But I did not take my eyes off her for one minute. She was wearing the same as earlier, so her identity was still covered. She spun and around and headed for the balcony edge.
"W-wait!" I stuttered, trying to snap out of my trance. Before I could stand up and make it back rover to the balcony doors, she had jumped off the edge of the balcony. "No!" I cried out, as the balcony was quite high. I unlocked the doors and rushed out myself, coming to a sudden gold at the edge. I looked down and scanned the gardens for her. She was no where to be seen. I scanned and scanned around for her, desperately. I even searched the sky since this time, I definitely saw wings. But it was no use. There was no trace of her. I leaned on the stone barrier of the balcony and tries to process what has just happened. Was I going crazy? This can't be real! Ninja girl also had wings? What the hell was she doing on my balcony? How does she know where I live? What is happening to me?!
"Jayden! What's wrong?!" I heard a voice cry as they rushed over to me. Great. She's the last person I wanted to worry. I turned around and saw my mom running towards me, open armed. "I heard a noise! Are you okay? What are you doing out here?!" she cried, embracing me.
"Mom I'm fine. I just came out for fresh air." I lied.
"But here was this thud! And I heard a scream and I-" I stopped her in her tracks by playing both my hands on either side of her face.
"Mom, listen to me. I'm fine. Nothing happened, I'm heavy footed. My footsteps must of woke you up. I shouted because...because I...I opened the  balcony door too hard and stubbed it into to my toe!" I improvised. Moms eyes closed as she sighed with relief. She then pulled me in for a hug.
"Thank god! I though something had happened to you." she said, calmly. I slowly released her from me.
"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. You should go back to bed. It's late." I said, leading her off the balcony and back into my room.
"So should you! You've got school tomorrow." she said, walking towards my bedroom door. I closed and locked the balcony doors behind me and sighed at the thought of school.
"Yeah, I know." I said, glumly. She walked back over to me and kissed me in the forehead.
"Goodnight, Jayden." she smiled before exiting my room.
"Night, mom." I said back, quietly. I waited for her to close my door behind her before belly flopping on to my bed, leaving my face buried in the pillow for a few seconds before I ran out of air. I turned over to the position I was originally in and stared at the ceiling. Why was all this weird stuff happening? I've got to be going insane! People with wings don't exist! They can't do! Can they?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2017 ⏰

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