Chapter 2-Spy Fly

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Aspen and the Davenports were doing homework in the lab, when a fly started buzzing around Bree.

"What is that?" Bree asked and Chase looked up.

"Bree, relax, it's just a fly." Chase told her and went back to his homework.

Aspen wasn't actually doing homework. Chandler and Katherine was sending her pictures of furniture for their house, asking for her opinion on it.

"Well, why is it bothering me when the foul ripe stench of Adam is right there?" Bree pointed to Adam.

"Lucky undies, nine days in a row, no lightning strikes, that's science." Adam said.

Bree turned to Aspen, "Seriously, why are you dating him?"

"Because I love him." Aspen shrugged.

"I love you too baby girl." He leaned down to kiss her.

Bree continued to swat the fly, and Leo came in laughing hard.

"You look ridiculous!" Leo told her and Bree crossed her arms.

"Yeah, so would you if you had some flying thing attacking you." she told him.

"You're being over-dramatic." Aspen said, as Adam puller on his lap.

"Oh, would I?" Leo held his hand out and the fly landed in his palm.

"How'd you do that?" Bree asked, shocked.

"I talk to insects." Leo said as Aspen walked over, ignoring Adam, who was pouting, "They call me the fly whisperer."

Adam ran over. "You can talk to flies?!?! Ask him why bee's are such jerks." Adam said.

"Your so adorable." Aspen smiled up at him. Adam smiled, pulling her into his side, pecking her lips.

"Guys! Leo's messing with you!" Chase pulled out a metal cylinder out of Leo's bag. "That's Mr. Davenport's spy fly! He designed it for recon missions. You see, they flies head is a tiny camera. Leo's controlling it with the track ball on this watch." Chase held up Leo's arm with the watch on it.

"Is there anything you don't ruin?" Leo asked.

Chase pretended to think for a moment, "Nope. Leo, I don't think Mr. Davenport would approve of you using his expensive gadgets as toys."

"Who cares?" Aspen asked, "He's gone anyway."

"Thank you Aspen!" Leo told his best friend. "Then he shouldn't have gone to rock and roll  fantasy camp! Hello! You're almost 40! You can't rock, and you're no one's fantasy!" Leo told the cylinder back.

"Can I see it?" Bree reached for it, but Leo moved out of the way.

"Back off handsy! It needs to charge in it's fly hive." He said, and Aspen went back to sit on Adam's lap. Leo went to the screen, "I give you the best of Bree."

The screen went to images of Bree snoring in her capsule, and all the other weird, crazy things she did in her sleep. Chase and Adam laughed, while Aspen tried to hide her giggles.

"How could you do this Leo?" Bree asked, embarrassed as Leo laughed as well.

"Hey, it's not my fault you sleep ugly!" Leo defended himself, smiling.

Bree looked from her brothers and Aspen to Leo before she grabbed her stuff and stormed out the room, leaving the laughing boys and girl behind.

"We're gonna be late!" Chase yelled, and they grabbed their stuff and ran out.

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