Chapter 11-Memory Wipe

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"We're gonna be in so much trouble with Mr. Davenport." Chase said, "We're two hours past curfew, and the lights are already off." 

"You're such a goodie two shoes." Aspen giggled, intertwining her fingers with Adams. 

"We are bionic teenagers who go on top secret missions." Bree said, "I'm pretty sure we can sneak pas an out-of-shape, middle aged man."

"Alright, well, just to be safe, I'll use my bionic vision to scan inside." Chase said. He put two fingers against his temples and faced the door. Seconds later, he turned to the four, "All clear. They must be asleep." 

"Good, but we've got to be super quiet." Leo warned. 

"Sneaking in after curfew. This'll totally boast my bad boy cred." 

"Chase, you don't have a bad boy cred." Aspen told her best friend, yawning.

 Katherine's grandmother was in the hospital and Chandler went to Australia with her to go make sure she was okay. They had asked Aspen if she wanted to go, but she didn't want to leave Adam's side after Marcus' death. So, while they were there Aspen was staying with the Davenports and she would go back to staying with her parents once they got back in the next week. 

Chase slowly opened the door and they quietly walked into the house. Just as Leo, Adam and Aspen were about to head upstairs, and Chase and Bree to their capsules, the lights turned on. 

"BUSTED!" Donald screamed. The four bionics and the human boy screamed, and jumped about a foot into the air. When they turned around the couldn't find him, until he appeared on the red chair, causing the kids to scream again, "Ha!" 

"I don't get it! I scanned the room!" Chase exclaimed. 

"Mh-hmm, and I foiled you with my invisibitly cloak!" He threw the cloak on the couch, "Again I say, Ha!"

"Well, you got us." Leo said. "Good night." 

"Freeze!" The teens who tried to run off, turned to him, "You are all ground. Three weeks." Aspen went to speak, but he held her hand up, "I called your father. He says it's a good idea." 


"That's not fair!"

"Come on!" 


"Is that all you got?" 

"I should've went with Chandler." 

"Look, you guys have no idea what it's like raising teenagers." Donald said.  

"He can't ground me if he can't see me!" Adam said, running towards the couch. Aspen thought he was going for the cloak, but Adam grabbed the blanket instead. He threw it over himself, and ran. Right into the front door. "I didn't grab the invisibility cloak, did I?" He asked. 

"No babe. No you did not." Aspen said, before going up the stairs, "DON'T SLEEP ON THE FLOOR EITHER!" 

"OF COURSE NOT BABE!" Adam called back, so she could hear. 


Since they were all grounded and couldn't leave the house, Leo and the Bionic teens decided to play cards in the lab, and it wasn't fun. 

"I hate being grounded. Is the three weeks over yet?" Adam asked. 

"Baby, it hasn't even been a day." Aspen mumbled, kissing his neck. She wasn't playing, but she was sitting in Adam's lap. 

Then Donald came running in, a smile on his face, "Guys! Guys! I did it! I finally did it!" 

"Graduated to big boy shoes?" Leo joked, and Aspen giggled against Adam's neck making him tense up at the feeling.  

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