Chapter 3-Bro Down

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Adam and Chase loved pulling pranks on each other. All week Adam had been humiliating Chase, so Chase was setting up a prank to get revenge on Adam. Bree was sitting, and reading a magazine. Aspen was sitting on the cyber desk, swinging her legs back and fourth while texting her brother.

 Chandler and Katherine had went back to Austrailia to pack up their old house, and to say bye to her family and their friends, before they moved in the the house across the street. Aspen might be moving in with her brother and his friends because Chandler didn't want her to be in the big house alone when her parents were away.

 Chase was happy laughing, causing the two girls to look at each other before looking at Chase.

"Okay, what's with all the happy, squeaky hamster noises? Did you finally grow a chest hair?" Bree asked, making a pouty face. 

"Or are you high?" Aspen asked. 

"No!" Chase said, "I grew two." He put up to fingers. "And I'm not high." He paused then looked at Aspen, "Have you ever been high?" Aspen scratched the back of her neck, looking down at he feet. "You have!" He pointed at her. 

"Shut up, I was 15." She mumbled. "Carry one with your talk." 

"Actually, this is a little something I like to call 'Adam's Payback'." Chase explained. 

"For what?" Bree asked confused, looking over at Aspen who shrugged. 

"Don't you remember hat happened last Thursday?" Chase asked. 

Bree and Aspen laughed remembering what had happened.

"Oh, yeah." 


"Adam, there is no way you can clear that counter." Leo told Adam, who had his arm around Aspen's shoulder. 

Adam made a bet with Leo that he could clear the counter using his super strength, and Leo didn't think he could do it. 

"I can reach that easy." Adam said.

"I've seen him do it." Bree said. 

"Babe, if this had to do with Chase than don't do it. Leo's just jealous that you can do it and her can't." Aspen tried to stop her boyfriend, knowing his little bet had something to do with Chase. 

The door opened, and Chase walked in, "Hey, what are you guys talkin' about?" He asked. 

"This." Adam said and before anyone could do anything, he lifted Chase up in the air and threw him against the counter, his back making contact with the chairs." 

"Told you." Leo said as Aspen went to check on Chase's back. 

*End of Flashback*

"Oh, yeah. We all love the bionic brother toss!" Bree exclaimed.

"If it makes you feel any better, I tired to get them to stop." Aspen said, and Chase threw her a greatful smile. 

Aspen and Chase had gotten close a few weeks ago. Of course Aspen had the IQ of Lydia Martin, but even she got a little stuck sometimes. She had just so happened to be staying the night at the Davenports, and she needed to finish her math homework, but she was stuck on a question. Chase noticed that she was looking at the paper with a weird look on her face, and went over to help while Adam and Leo were playing video games. He finally helped her figure it out, and he stayed to help her with other problems that she didn't know. 

"Yeah? Well let's see how he likes this!" Chase said, and Leo and Adam came into the lab. Leo went straight to the rope that was on the floor.

"Trap." He proclaimed, making his way over to Aspen.  Adam stopped, one foot in the rope circle. 

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