Chapter 12-The Haunting of Mission Creek

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Aspen and the others, minus Leo, were talking when Leo poked his head out of the gym door. 

"Hey, guys, you ever have that nightmare where you're standing in front of the school in your birthday suit?" Leo asked, and they looked at him, "Well it's happening to me!" He came out in a towel and students chuckled. 

"Someone stole my clothes while I was in the shower." Leo complained.

Adam stepped forward, "Well, you know, when I lose something, I find it helps to ask yourself, 'where's the last place you saw it?'." He offered, and Aspen chuckled, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend. 

"On my body." Leo said sarcastically. 

"And you definitely checked there?" He asked. 

"That is so mean. Who would do that to you?" Bree asked.

"There's only one dumb ass who's stupid enough to do anything to Leo when I'm around, and that's one of the many ex's I've hand." Aspen said, as Adam placed a kiss on her forehead, and Trent came out in Leo's clothes, "And there he is." 

"A-YO!" Trent screamed. 

"Trent? You took my clothes?" Leo asked in shock. 

"Well, yeah! How else am I supposed to play Attack of the Giant Trent?" He asked, then started to march around, "Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of a wimpy one!" 

"Is it you?" Aspen asked, pulling away from Adam, to put her hands on her hips.

Trent ignored her, and hopped over to Leo, sniffing him as he did so, "Get it? It's you!" He whispered to Leo. He stretched his arms and Leo's clothes made a ripping sound. "Oh, clean up in aisle two! Looks like your mommy's gonna have to buy clothes at the not big and not tall store." He laughed, high-fiveing someone and them ran out. 

"Why does Trent always pick on me more than anyone else?" Leo questioned. 

"Trent's been scared of me since day one. Even when were were dating." Aspen said. 

"Anymore ex's you wanna tell me about?" Adam asked, looking down at her.

"Nope." Aspen paused before shaking her head, "Yeah, nope." 

"Well, I outsmart him. I studied his schedule and routine to ensure that we're never alone together. I even know when he's gonna take a,-" Chase paused to look at his watch. 

"BATHROOM BREAK!" Trent yelled and ran out. 

"Right on time." Chase said proudly. 

"Son, you need a hobby." Bree told him as her and Adam turned to their lockers, Adam, pulling Aspen up against his chest. 

"I'm gonna go off Trent a choice: Stop picking on me, or suffer the consequences." Leo said and walked into the gym.

Suddenly they heard Leo scream, and Trent came out, swinging the towel in the air.

"Camera phones on people, we got a runner!" People went running into the gym.


Later, Leo came out of Perry's office wearing one of her suites, and Aspen turned, putting her face in the crock of Adam's neck to stop the giggles from leaving her lips. 

"The lost and found didn't have anything, so Principal Perry loaned me her emergency pantsuit." Leo told them, and boy did he not look happy. 

"You look so tiny." Aspen pinched his cheek and he hit her hand away, glaring at him. 

"Jacket Head." Trent told Leo, before he pulled the very loose fitting clothes over Leo's head as he walked by the group. Leo pulled the jacket down, and Adam looked upset. 

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