Chapter 12

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Thank you guys so much for your support. It means everything to me! I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. Please don't forget to comment and vote!!

Carters POV

My heart is filled with dread as I make my way up the steps of the school. I have made peace with what I have to do but that didn't mean that my heart didn't skip a beat at the thought of not talking to my friends or clench at the thought of Constantine hating me.

I just have to be a bitch, I thought, and considering who I am that shouldn't be hard. Get Constantine to hate me and the rest should follow.

My personal mantra is still in place and is constantly playing in my head. This is the only way they can be safe. Constantine is too damn perceptive and If I didn't end things now he is going to figure out just how fucked up I am.

As I draw closer to my first period class, reality is quickly setting in. I walk in and my eyes are immediately caught in Constantines.

I quickly close off my emotions, voiding my face of emotions. As I watch Constantines smile drop my heart drops with it. This is your only choice. Don't ruin his life because you couldn't control your hormones.

With this in mind I make my way to a seat across the room and away from him.

His frown deepens.

I keep going. I turn and let my eyes give a slow look of the room before settling on his. My previously dull eyes turn cold and with a glance that is anything but friendly turned back to face the front of the room.

The entire hour I could feel eyes burning into me. As much as I want to turn and beg for forgiveness, for friendship, for us, I couldn't.Couldn't, couldn't, shouldn't.

I am running out the door and out the hallway before the bell could even be done ringing. Ignoring Constantine's shouts for me, I make my way through the suffocating masses of the student body.

I  lost Constantine but the guilt never left. I walk the halls like as ghost desperately seeking redemption. Along with Constantine, I manage to avoid the rest of the guys as well.


My last period class is coming to an end and as my eyes watch the clock with predatory precision I continue to think of how to cement the space floating between me and my new friends.

I know Constantine isn't going to give up after one day of me avoiding me. The guys as well. I just have to do something big enough.. I could make out with someone else.. let Constantine see? No too cliche. I could tell them that I didn't want to be their friends from the beginning? No that wouldn't explain why you don't want to be friends now... every idea I come across seems to end in a way that left me still friends with them. And it could take more than a week of being a bitch to them before they would stop writing it off as me pmsing or shit.

I know there are 3 people would could help me but I know that they wont approve of me pushing my new friends away.

I am brought out of my inner turmoil by the bell ringing. Rushing out of the class I run to my locker hoping to get there before any of the guys could intercept me. Opening my locker I chuck anything I would need in my bag and turning away I think im  home free until two hands grab my shoulders and I am thrown over a shoulder.

I am immediately surrounded by Constantine's scent. Pine and coffee. Yum. No, focus. No more sniffing.

"CONSTANTINE! Unhand me you oaf! Before I castrate you, put  me down in the name of your pea sized balls!"

Constantine's neighborWhere stories live. Discover now