chapter 18

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Thank you guys so much we got to 1.73k!!! So i'm really sorry about the longer wait, I had a small case of writers block.  Anyways I hope you enjoy and I should be updating more frequently:) It's an extra long one just for you guys!!!
Also, that is Eden's swimsuit on the left and Carter's on the right😊


It's been 3 months since I moved to Dallswood and I feel incredibly homesick. I've grown really close with all the guys but I miss me, Eden, Brooklyn, and Reece's sleepovers and our crazy adventures. it's friday and I have nothing to do. Picking up my phone I call Brooklyn.

"Hey whats up!"

"I'm so boreddddd, entertain me!"

" I can see if me, Eden, Reece can drive down for the weekend? we can go to the beach. Ohhh I want to go shopping! "

"Oh my God yes!!! Please do! I miss you guys so much!"

"okay i'll text you, love youuuu"

"love youu!"

After we hang up, I go downstairs to make pancakes because who does love freaking love paincakes?

lathering on the nutella, I sit at the counter, leaving a huge stack for my dad and Dean on the counter.

Scrolling through my twitter feed, I smile at the fluffy llama video and retweet it. A knock on my door startles me.

getting up I go over to the door and swing it open. "well hello boys" I say smiling at Constantine, Blake, Mason, Dallon, and Travis. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We were bored.. so we decided to come annoy you." Blake says sending me a cheeky grin, "why do you not want us here?" he asks pouting.

"you know I do, but its like 8 in the morning" oh well. " Get in here, I made pancakes"

Suddenly i'm pushed into the door by Travis, who runs past me screaming "FOODDDD"

Hands grab my own and pull me back up. Sending a thankful smile to Mason, I give his hand a quick squeeze and push him to go follow Travis, "Go do damage control on that one and don't let him eat all the pancakes."

"Roger that captain" he says with a wink in my direction, his hazel eyes sparkling with mischeif, before laughing at Constantine's face which looks slightly pissed off.

"Oh this is going to be so much fun!" Mason says, looking between me and Constantine.

After he goes in, Blake soon follows, after pulling me into his usual bear hug, he ruffles my hair, not before saying "morning princess"

Dallon sends me a bright smile and gives me a quick hug before moving inside to follow Blake.

Finally, everyone is inside besides me and Constantine. Turning to him, I smile brightly, trying not to show my uncomfortableness with how he is looking at me. His eyes seem to smoulder and it makes me either want to jump his bones or run.

He opens his mouth to say someething but my phone rings with Berlin by RY X and I automatically know its Brooklyn calling me. Looking at Constantine I send him a smile and say apologetically "sorry I need to get this, it's Brooklyn, if I dont answer she will just keep calling until I do, can I just met you inside?"

"Of course Sunshine" sending me a big smile he grabs my hand and before I can comprehend what he is doing, his lips are pressed gently to mine, before he pulls away, biting lightly at my bottom lip as he does so. "see you inside" he whispers in a velvety voice.

Pressing answer I bring the phone up to my ear, still slightly dazed from the kiss.

This of course doesnt last when Brooklyn's voice comes over the phone.

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