chapter 19

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SO UPDATE WE GOT TO 2k which is CRAZY!! Thank you guys soooo much I love you all.


"CARTERRRR, WHERE ARE MY FUCKING CHEERIOS!!" Eden screams, her voice echoing off the walls up to my bedroom.

"You ate them all!" I scream back, before rolling over in my bed and pulling the maroon bed sheets over my head. I know any second she is going to come barreling into my room demanding that I find her Cheerios, and with that thought, I pull the covers tighter around me. I am human burrito and proud.

I hear someone running up the stairs and roll my eyes before my door is thrown open and a heavyweight, also known as my best friend lands on my stomach.

"Nooooo" I groan, pulling the sheets up higher, "go awayyy I don't have cheerios for you."

"Are you lying to me?" she asks suspiciously.

"Noooo" yes but can you blame me ?? I just bought them two days ago and she ate like 90% of them already

"UGHHHHHH" she screams while throwing her arms out, smacking my head in the process of expressing her anguish.

"Get off me you fatass" I mutter, shoving her to the side so she lands next to me on my bed.

"Hey!" Eden says in offence.

I'm about to respond when my door once again gets thrown open, "guysssss!" Brooklyn groans, "I have a problem."

Immediately I poke my head out of the covers and Eden sits up too fast, resulting in her tumbling off the side of the bed and ending up a crumpled mess on the ground. "Ouch ugh okay now tell me !!" Eden says while rubbing her head.

"Well, so yesterday at the beach someone may have .. kissed me ?"

Immediately my worry leaves and I feel my face split into a huge grin. "Blake?" I ask already assuming I'm right, I mean who else would it have been?

"This is so good! He's a great guy Brooks he will treat you right" Eden squeals in excitement.

"Guys it wasn't Blake," Brooklyn says quietly.

"WHAT?" Me and Eden both yell. Who else could it have been? I hadn't seen her alone with any of the other guys... the realization hits me and I'm left wide-eyed and worried.

"It was Reece" I whisper.

Before Brooklyn can respond Eden starts to laugh hysterically, "Brooklyn wouldn't do that to me, I mean this is a guy I've liked since the day I met him, my BEST FRIEND wouldn't kiss him, right Brooklyn?!"




"Eden I didn't kiss him back and I told him I didn't think of him like that! I swear! I told him I like someone else!"

Eden grows quite and Brooklyn shoots me a worried glance.

"It's not your fault... I guess this explains why he was in a bad mood yesterday."

Brooklyn walks over and lays on the bed next to us. "You know I would never kiss him knowing you liked him, right Ninny?"

I smile at the use of the nickname. Brooklyn had given it to Eden because when we were in our sophomore year, they had been in a world business class with a really stuck up girl named Irvine Fitmern. The girl had called Eden a ninny when she had pranked our teacher. poor Mr. Wilinks didn't know what was going to hit him when he walked into class that day. Literally. The second he had opened the door he was covered in honey followed by flour. Eden had obviously watched the parent trap one too many times. Well end of the story, Mr. Wilinks left the classroom and Irvine ran to get another teacher, calling Eden a ninny as she rushed to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2018 ⏰

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