Kissing The Window (2)

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Blaze's POV:

The games are about to start... I need to hurry. "GET OUT OF HERE YOU SMELLY DOGS!" I hear somebody yell "Make me mutt." Jax says. "OOOH! LEMME AT HIM! I WILL RIP HIM APART! I'LL MAKE HIM WISH HE NEVER-" I hear the person yell. That voice sounds really familiar...wait,Dottie? "IT'S NOT WORTH IT! Don't let him get to you! Remember, we use our words, not our fists." I heard Alpha say to her. "HAH! That dumb uh, what's the word for a female dog called again?" Jax asked "DON'T YOU DARE YOU-"Alpha warned. "MONGREL! YEAH! That's what Ein says!" Jax said remembering. "Heh, good one Jax" Ryder complimented him. "Heh, thanks, I came up with it myself." He accepted. "HOW DARE YOU?!" Alpha screamed. "YEAH!" Dottie backed her up. "LEMME AT HIM!" Alpha yelled. "YEAH!!!!" Dottie backed up.... I'd better stop this. I ran over "WHAT'S GOING ON?" I asked already knowing the answer. "Ugh, DON'T CALL DOTTIE A MONGREL YOU-" "Aphmau calm down! They're not worth it!" Of course I was mad at them but I need to follow Aphmau's rules of not hurting anybody... "HAH! A mongrel like Blaze would say that" Jax said.... NOW I'M REALLY MAD! "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?! COME HERE AND SAY THAT TO MY FACE YOU-" Aphmau then interrupted me "BLAZE! Calm down! I know how you feel, but He's not worth it!" She said calming me down. "Look at them Jax, can't even keep their stuff together" Ryder said. "Yeah, not like us, because knowing IS half the battle" Jax said. "What do we know?" Ryder asked. "JUST GET OUT OF HERE!" Aphmau said in annoyance. "Oh we will, but we'll be in the games and if Ein isn't going to be Alpha anymore we'll make sure that we will, Come on Jax" Ryder said leaving. "See ya later... mongrels" Jax said leaving. "ARRRRGGHHH WE GOTTA FIGHT THEM ALPHA!" Dottie shouted enraged. "No....We can't. I'm sorry, I almost lost my cool there" she apologized. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to get you riled up it's just, I REALLY WANTED TO PUNCH THAT STUPID JERK!" She yelled. "You did the right thing Aphmau!" I said. She turned around "Huh?" She asked me. "Fighting them with your fists is not the way to go if that's all people see us for that's all we'll become" I said knowingly. "You're right Blaze, and that was... beautiful" She said. "Thanks! I came up with it myself!" I thanked. "As the Alpha, I need to lead by example. But I really want to kick their butts too!" She said with anger. "You can still do that Alpha! You just gotta win the games!" Dottie chirped...yknow, she's really cute when she's mad...

Aaron's POV:

I NEED TO HURRY! DANIEL COULD BE IN DANGER I thought while running through the halls. I still need to help the other werewolves though...The doors are locked... I need to jump through the window.... I jumped through and landed on my feet ready to fight Ein and to help Daniel. HE'S LIKE AN ANGEL FLYING DOWN TO HELP 😂 "What's this?" Ein asked. "Ahahahha! A human?" He asked laughing. "Stand back! This is a werewolf matter. Stand back or I'll rip you apart like the piece of filth you are!" He warned. I punched him in the jaw to shut him up. Daniel looked up at me. "ALPHA!" He said happily. Well as happy as he could be in his condition. "Daniel...Get out of here" I told him. "No, This is my fight! I can't just-" I interrupted him. "You did well keeping him here, but there's no reason for you to fight anymore. I'll take it from here" I said "B-But-" "Please" I said and he backed away allowing Ein and I to fight. "W-what was that?" Ein asked. I think Daniel left... I didn't see him. "D-DID YOU ALLOW DANIEL TO ESCAPE?! THAT COWARD!! HOW DARE YOU?! STAY OUT OF THIS MATTER HUMAN!" He said fuming. "Not moving, huh?" He said laughing. "Fine, then I'll MAKE you move." He said punching me in the face. It didn't hurt much. I've been in fights before. He punched me again. "Huh?" He asked confused that I took those punches so well. I took this as a chance to punch him in the stomach which knocked him back. "YOU-huh, what ARE you?!" He questioned. I punched Ein in the face again and he got knocked back again. "I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY A HUMAN!" He said throwing himself at me. "YOU HUMANS! YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN GETTING IN OUR WAY!" He said in annoyance. He punched me in the face again. "HOLDING US BACK! TRYING TO KEEP US CIVIL AND ORGANIZED SO YOU CAN KEEP YOUR PEACE, KEEPING US FROM BEING WHAT WE WERE MEANT TO BE!" He said punching me in the stomach. I feel to the ground... he was strong but I was certainly stronger. "Better than all of you, that girl and her STUPID games will not prevent me from being Alpha! I will crush ANY of her friends that come to help until she has no one left" he said telling me his diabolical evil plan mwahaha "Werewolves like you are the reason the world hates us. Werewolves like you are the reason why I've been forced away from her, these eyes were never my curse, WEREWOLVES LIKE YOU WERE!" I said angrily punching him in the face multiple times. He fell to the ground laughing an evil laugh "You...are just like ME!" He lied. "No, I'm not.." I said as people cheered from outside. "Looks like the games are over, no matter, I'll find another way to become Alpha! And when I do you have to live with the fact that I'll be Alpha for the next two treats of high school!" He laughed as I picked him up and threw him out the window. "KISS THE WINDOW EIN!" I yelled as he fell. Daniel came out of hiding.... oh shoot.

Blaze's POV:

"It's an honor to name Blaze the new Alpha-" Mr.Gavin said as Dottie was running around trying to find someone. She found Aphmau and was asking her something right as Ein kissed the window, WAIT EIN KISSED THE WINDOW?!. Dottie came up to me and kissed me all of a sudden..... am I in heaven? Did I die during the games?! "WHAT THE?!" Mr.Gavin shouted at the sight of Ein. "EIN?!" Alpha asked. "What a magnificent window break....and such a powerful toss" Mr.Gavin said astonished and teary eyed. It truly was a great window break, but who did it? "SOMEONE DEFEATED EIN THE TRADITIONAL WAY! HE WAS THE ALPHA!" A kid yelled "WHO DID THIS?!" A girl asked. "YEAH! WHOEVER DID IT SHOULD BE THE RIGHTFUL ALPHA!" A boy said. "B-BUT THE GAMES!" Alpha said.

Aaron's POV:

"E-ears... you have...." Daniel said shocked. "SORRY ABOUT THIS DANIEL!" I said throwing Daniel the window and started to leave the gym.

Dottie's POV:

"DANIEL?!" Rylan,Alpha, and Hotter Alpha--- I MEAN BLAZE yelled as Daniel landed on top of Ein proving that he defeated him. "DANIEL DEFEATED EIN! HE SHOULD BE THE NEW ALPHA!" A werewolf kid said. "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE GAMES?! BLAZE WON!" Alphamau said. "OH THATS RIGHT!!!" "DANIEL AND BLAZE SHOULD FIGHT FOR ALPHA!" "YELLING FEELINGS IS GREAT!" "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" Everybody chanted. Alpha looked at Blaze. "Blaze..." she asked for help. "STOP! I RESIGN AS ALPHA!" He said. "WHAT?!" Alpha yelled. "WHAT?!" Rylan and I said shocked. "WHAT?!" Mr.Gavin said. "Are my ears working right?" Daniel asked. "We should not decide who is Alpha based on strength but based on who is most compassionate and actually cares for all of our brothers and sisters. I think our Alpha female taught us that this year." He said "aw, he's so poetic..." I said quietly. "Not only that but the Alpha male of last year was kind enough to leave her with us! So let's not go back to our old days of violence but a new day of talking out our feelings! And the occasional kissing of windows!" He said. Everyone hyped up... but it's not only the window I wanted to kiss I thought to myself as everyone cheered.

3rd Person:

"EIN! THE PRINCIPAL WOULD LIKE TO TALK WITH YOU!" Mr.Gavin told Ein. He walked up to the Principal and sassily asked. "What do YOU want?" "You are hereby expelled from Phoenix Drop High!" She told him. "What?! ON WHAT GROUNDS!" He asked in irritation. "On the grounds of what you did to Kasey! Werewolves do not engage in fights with humans! It's a rule known everywhere!" She told him. "The ambulance is on the way for him now!" " YOU CAN'T PROVE IT WAS ME!" Ein said unknowing. "Kasey had his phone out and recorded the encounter! Not only that but our school security cameras caught You,Jax and Ryder leaving the bathroom after the incident. We have more evidence against all three of you!" She said to Ein. "T-this can't....this can't be happening" He said in shock. "I'm afraid it is. Now this gentleman will have to take you for questioning." The Principal said as the PoPo came in. "Let's go!" The PoPo said. "No! No way!" Ein said running off. "AFTER HIM!" The Principal said as her and the police chased Ein. Katelyn was standing in Ein's way of leaving though. "OUT OF MY WAY HUMAN!" He said trying to get away. "NOT AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO MY BROTHER! YOU'LL PAY, YOU FILTHY MUTT!" She threatened while kicking Ein to the ground. Just then the police arrived. "Thanks Toots, we'll take it from here." They thanked her "LEMME AT HIM!" Katelyn said trying to beat up Ein. "No no, we got this." They said taking him away.


The Grabbity of This Situation (Blaze x Dottie)Where stories live. Discover now