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Dottie's POV:

Daniel,Rylan and I were standing in the bleachers waiting for Blaze's name to be called (Idk how it works in other schools but this we're gonna do is, The graduating seniors are sitting in chairs waiting to be called to get their high school diploma and when they get called they just walk up.... yeah. "MARIA *Inserts Common Last Name*" The announcer man said as Maria walked up. Everybody clapped and cheered since Maria was popular but it was a different story for Kim. "KIM SCHMIDT"they called her nobody cheered and I felt bad so cheered I for her. She seems like a good person but Daniel and Rylan must've thought differently though because they didn't clap or cheer. I heard a clap from a little while away. It was Aphmau and Garroth. Next Blaze walked up and I screamed "WOLF IT!!!" As Rylan broke a glass cup. Almost every werewolf cheered along with some humans and Meif'wa's... June was screaming especially loud. She's better not think about getting with Blaze!!! YANDERE ALERT Well June is one of my good friends so I shouldn't worry but I do see her hanging around Blaze a lot... but she's dating Rylan.


Dottie's POV:

After the graduation I was woken up by Aphmau...WAIT- DID I FALL ASLEEP?! Oh no.....I hope Blaze didn't notice.. But it wasn't only me who slept, the graduation was so boring that even Daniel and Rylan slept! "I'm tired....." Daniel said falling back asleep. "Daniel!! The graduation is over! You need to be a role model, you can't just sleep during big events like a graduation!" Aphmau lectured him. "Sorry Alpha- I mean Sorry Aphmau!!" He apologized. "It's fine Daniel! Just be careful about what you do in front of our pups!!" She told him. I looked over to Blaze to find him asleep with his cap still on. I laughed so hard I think I peed my pants... okay, I didn't. That would've been embarrassing. I laughed at myself for thinking that. I then ran out onto the field and woke up Blaze by kissing him... yes, it was embarrassing and I blushed but I didn't regret it. "D-DOTTIE?!" He shouted nervously blushing. I giggled while blushing "It's time to wake up Blaze!" I said cheerily with the usual big smile across my face. Everybody else noticed though and was watching from the bleachers...I knew it was a bad idea to get Rylan popcorn. "Uh.. so Dottie! There's a party in a few hours for the seniors but Maria said that we could invite as many people as we want so I was wondering if You,Daniel,Rylan,June and Aphmau wanted to come!" He said stuttering and smiling. "I'm down for it! I'll ask the other four if they can come!" I said pulling Blaze out of his chair. "LET'S GO!!!" I said taking Blaze's wrist and running towards the others


Dottie's POV:

Before the party I'm SO nervous. I pace around my room waiting for Blaze to pick Daniel,Rylan and I up since none of us could drive. "Guys! I'm freaking out! What if something goes wrong?!" I panic. "Oh cmon Dottie! Not this again!!!" Daniel complained "Not what again?" I asked confused. What is he talking about? "That thing you do when you get nervous before a big event and doubt yourself!" Rylan said rolling his eyes. "Sorry! It's just-" I got cut off by the doorbell....BLAZE!!!! I ran downstairs before either of my parents came to open it then tackled Blaze. "BLAZE!" I screamed. "AHHH!" Blaze screamed blushing as Daniel and Rylan came downstairs and began laughing. My mom came outside running after hearing all of the screaming she must've thought somebody was being kidnapped.....Again. "IS EVERYONE OKAY?!" She screamed pulling out a knife. "MOM!!!" I said embarrassed. "Oh, sorry honey....what are you doing on top of that young man? WAIT- MY DAUGHTER IS ON TOP OF A STRANGE YOUNG MAN?!" She screamed. "Uh- Mrs.Logan, it isn't what it looks like! Uhhhh- RYLAN pushed Dottie, playfully and she bumped into this gorgeous stranger knocking them both down" Daniel lied (PLEASE DON'T SUE ME FOR USING YOUR LAST NAMES VioletViety !!! I MAY BE ORIGINAL BUT NOT THAT ORIGINAL!) My mother rolled her eyes "Whatever. Just get to your party and be back by morning at the very most or you're grounded for life! LOVE YOU!" She warned me then walked inside. "Your mom is crazy" Blaze said as I helped him up. "Yeah, she's...always like this" I said then I thought out loud. "We should probably go before she changes her mind" "Yeah, I don't want to be around her anymore!" Blaze confessed. "Okay! We gotta hurry!" Daniel said as Blaze unlocked the door. We got into the car and we all drove off to the graduation party.

Sorry this chapter took so long the word count is 840 not including this and I should really write more!!! Normally I don't have very eventful weeks and weekends but I did this time! Every Monday I babysit, this Wednesday I went to a water park , Friday I went back to school clothes shopping and on Saturday I went to the movies but I'll try to keep a good schedule with writing! But I'll have a chapter at once at the very least each week!!! Also, I know I don't have a very many followers but I think it'd be cute to have you guys a lil' nickname or a name that I call you guys so leave your suggestions in the comments section! ( I was thinking maybe :FanPups: because I'm strongly based around the werewolves and we're all fangirls and fanboys! I think it might be cute but you guys probably have better!!! But for now that's your name)

The Grabbity of This Situation (Blaze x Dottie)Where stories live. Discover now