Feelings Misunderstood

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Dottie's POV:

"Of course I did! How I could a forget a name as great as yours?" He said confidently "Y-you think I'm great?" I asked. I wasn't blushing only because I had to try my hardest not to."Yeah! Dottie is just an amazing and extraordinary name!" Blaze told me. "Thanks Blaze! But apparently Ein thinks my name is Mutt.." I said with anger "Don't let him get to you! Everything will be okay soon!!" He reassured me. "Hey guys whatcha talking about?" Daniel said with a smirk on his face. "DANIEL! It's not like that! We were just talking about the whole Ein thing going on!" I shouted at him "Aww why can't you guys make out?" Daniel whined. Blaze and I both blushed , looked at each other and turned away from each other blushing even more. then Daniel screamed at the top of his lungs "BLAZE AND DOTTIE SITTING IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-" "DANIEL DON'T YOU DARE FINISH THAT!" I chased Daniel around and finally tackled him but unfortunately it was in front of Alpha and she told us to stop fighting "I really don't understand your guys' constant fighting! Why can't we all just be nice or something like that?!" Aphmau said to us disappointed "HE STARTED IT!" I pointed at Daniel "NO SHE DID!" "I don't care who did it!" She said "I just want you both to stop fighting!" "okay, well let's get back to the others oh and Aphmau?" I asked "Yeah?" I looked at Daniel and he booked it. "RYLAN AND JUNE ARE A THING NOW" I ran as fast as my legs could take me back to the group and sat on a sturdy tree branch/limb. Blaze joined me and we started talking. "Hey Dottie!" Blaze smiled "Hey Blaze" I said out of breath as Aphmau excitedly ran around and told Rylan how proud she was of him "YOU DID IT RYLAN!!!!" She screamed "Actually-" Rylan started. He was probably trying to explain that June was the one who had the confidence to tell Rylan her feelings first but he was cut off my Aphmau hugging him. "She's..." Blaze started. "Crazy" I finished and we both laughed. Daniel walked up to Me and Blaze smirking "Whatcha guys talkin' about?" He asked us. "We were talking about Rylan and June!" I said before Blaze could say anything stupid. "Yeah! They're cute!" Daniel said "Do you know what's even cuter?" He asked Blaze. "What?" Blaze asked idiotically. "HAHAHAHAH NOTHING!!!!" I yelled pushing Daniel under a tree "DANIEL! What are you doing?!" I asked, shocked that one of my best friends would do something like this! "Giving you a push! It's obvious that you like him! And if you won't admit it then I'll ask Alpha to help me!" Daniel threatened me. "That's not fair! I don't like him!" I lied.

Blazes POV:

Daniel and Dottie were talking in nearby tree but what they didn't know is that I could hear every word they were saying... "That's not fair! I don't like him!" Dottie said to Daniel. It broke my heart to hear that from Dottie... it looks like I can't get the girl in this situation. (THE GRABBITY OF THIS SITUATION OwO) I got off the tree branch and started to walk home while trying not to cry. I'd never cried over some girl before. But Dottie..... Dottie isn't just SOME girl I sighed and turned around to look at Dottie as she was running towards me. At that point I just bolted home crying. I couldn't stand to look at her without thinking of what she said to me..
Dottie's POV:

"It's NOT going to happen,Okay Daniel?!" I said angrily "Okay...sorry Dottie." Daniel said looking at the ground. "It's okay Daniel. Just don't ship people if they don't want to be shipped and don't ship your friends forcing them to be together!" I said trying to cheer Daniel up. I watched Blaze walk off looking sad I started to run up to him "HEY BLAZE!!!" I yelled out to him. He looked back at me but then started running from me... what did I do? Did he hear us?! Did he hear what I said?! I shouldn't have lied to Daniel!!! I stopped and started crying out of sadness and frustration. Why am I so stupid?!  Daniel and Rylan walked up to me as Aphmau and June talked "What happened Dottie?!" Rylan asked concerned. "Are you okay?!" Daniel asked. "Y-yeah.... I'm fine.. I just need to think before I act." I said before bursting out into tears as Aphmau ran by us saying "I'M GONNA GO FIND BLAZE!!!"

So uhhhhhhh- the word count is 786 and I'm sorry that you guys had to read this. I was going to make it all happy but then I thought "HEY! Not everything is all happy! Let's kill some people's hopes and dreams WOO!" And so that's how we got here.

The Grabbity of This Situation (Blaze x Dottie)Where stories live. Discover now