Mini and I are what?

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Delirious POV

I tense up in Vanoss's hold. 'What did Ohm say? Me and Mini... dating?' I look to Mini to see how he's taking it but he's eye's are wide open still with tear's looking to me probably for the same reason. I hear growling not just from Tyler but from Vanoss to. "Whoa guy's it's not something to get mad over. You guy's just have to get used to it ok there still are friends." Tyler pull's away from Moo. "GET USED TO WHAT?! THE FACT THAT TWO OF ARE ALPHA MALE FRIENDS ARE SLEEPING TOGETHER, AND HAVE BEEN FOR WHO KNOWS HOW LONG?! NO WONDER MY ALPHA INSTINCT WAS TAILING ME TO KICK YOUR ASS!" Tyler said looking to me baring his teeth.          

Moo pull's Tyler back trying to calm him down. I turn see Ohm grab Mini's hand and walk him up stairs to stop Mini from crying. I try to go with them but Vanoss hold's me back and turns me to look at him. He look's like he doesn't know how to feel. He look's confused and mad but his eye's look sad. "Delirious when did you and Mini..... Why did you two......*sigh* Do you love him?" Vanoss said. I look to him not knowing what to say. I can't tell him that it's all a misunderstanding and That me and Mini are omegas. He look's like he'll get mad at whatever I say. So I stay quiet. Looking away I look up to the stair's. "Can I go check on Mini? he probably wants to see me."      

He tightened his grip on my arm. "NO" I turn to look at him. His eye's looking golden. He's looking at me with full alpha authority. "You are to never see or talk to Mini ever again you understand? You are to break up with him NOW. I'll tell him to pack his things and leave." Not being able to talk or move because of Vanoss's alpha pressure I just did nothing. "WHAT!? YOUR MAKING MINI LEAVE!? MAKE THAT ASSHOLE LEAVE HE'S PROBABLY FORCING MINI TO DATE HIM! YOU KNOW MINI JUST CAN'T SAY NO!" Tyler yelled looking to Vanoss with a reddish pink colored eye's. His alpha instinct coming out as well.  

Deep growls can be hear from both Tyler and Vanoss. Ohm come's down and see's Vanoss and Tyler about to start fighting and run's between them. "whoa calm down. What are you two fighting for?" Vanoss and Tyler both stop growling but glare at each other showing that there not backing down. "Mini's the one to leave. This is my house and I say who can stay and who should go. You can leave to if your so against it Tyler." Vanoss said crossing his arm's looking to Tyler.  

Tyler growls still wanting to get his way. "Hey, What if you two found your mate and they turn out to be alpha male's will you two just reject them?" Ohm asked with tear's in his eye's. Vanoss looked to the side with his arm's still crossed. "THERE NOT MATE'S! DELIRIOUS IS JUST MESSING AROUND WITH MINI! WHY CAN'T MINI SEE THAT!" Tyler yelled.     

"HOW WOULD YOU KNOW THAT!? YOU CAN'T TELL THAT THERE MATE'S ARE NOT! IF THERE OK WITH DATING LET THEM!" Ohm yelled back. Tyler looked to me. "If your just playing around with him I'll kick your ass myself. This doesn't mean I'm ok with you two dating. I'll just wait for you to fuck up and prove to everyone that your not Mini's mate. Tyler said then turned and walked to the stairs with Ohm fallowing to make sure he doesn't mess with Mini.   

Moo come's and put's his hand on my shoulder. "I'm ok with it Delirious, Date who you want to date. But man did you see Ohm? He was pissed I never seen him mad before I see why you told him first." Moo laughs and I smile at how he's trying to cheer me up. "So you trust Ohm more than me?" Vanoss said walking up to Moo and I. 'What can I say? Do I go on with the lie? Well can't back out now.' "I didn't tell Ohm he just found out. And if I did tell you. You would have acted like you did just now."    

Vanoss looks away rubbing his neck. "I see..... Um.. I guess where not going out today with everyone like this. Well I don't like staying in so I was thinking of going out with a beta girl I met online but if you want we can go running to let out steam." I shake my head no. "I'm ok I don't really like running anyway. So go on your date and use protection if things get to hot." I said with a wink. Vanoss laugh and looked to his phone. "No it's ok I just want to hang with you for now." Vanoss said putting his phone away. "HEY AND ME RIGHT!?" Moo said acting like a kid.               

Vanoss and I laugh. I grab Moo and take him to the living room to finish the game we were playing before all this happen. Vanoss fallows grabbing a controller and starts a new game. We play for hours and I start to notice Vanoss being really clingy. Like he siting close and wining or losing he hug's me. Then ten game's in and ten hug's in. Vanoss start's to play with my neck where my mate will mark me. "Vanoss why are you playing with my neck? you know i'm not ticklish." I laugh pushing his hand away. looking to Moo's character which was walking in to a wall.             

I look to Moo to see he's asleep on the controller. I laugh and go to wake him up. "Moo~ wake up and go to your room to sleep." Moo turns and wraps his arm's around my neck. "Carry~ me~" Moo said half asleep. I laugh. "Sure." As I put Moo in his bed he starts to kiss my neck. Vanoss pushes Moo back down. "Go to sleep." Vanoss said as he pull's me out of Moo's room and pull's me in to his. I laugh rubbing my neck where Moo kissed me. "Damn I'm going to smell like Moo." I said still laughing. Vanoss than grabbed my arm and then my hair pulling it to show my neck. He then went and licked my neck nipping it a bit.           

I can fill myself purr but made sure Vanoss didn't hear it. 'What is Vanoss doing? If he does anything more I'll kiss him~ what!? no I'll kick him!'  Vanoss lets go of me looking in to my eye's his eye's looking a bit gold. "Now you'll smell like me is that better?"vanoss said getting closer. "Um... Vanoss I think I should go." I push Vanoss away and leave his room and go to my room locking the door. 'What was all that? Damn it Vanoss don't use me as a substitute for that beta female call her if you want to sleep with someone. Don't let your alpha take control and do stupid shit Vanoss!'  

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