Can't stop lying

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Delirious POV

Were back at vanoss's house and Cartoonz stops and parks the car. "Del do you want me to..." I jump off the car before he could finish. "Stop talking and get off the car. I'm not the only one here for my mate. Now grow some back bone and stop looking so... weak?" I look to him not sure if he looks weak or maybe sad I don't know but were going to change that. I start walking to the door but change my mind. I turn to go to the back where the pool is.     

"Del where are you going? Where here to talk to them right? Why are you..." I run and jump in to the pool. 'god that feels so much better and it wont hurt to get some of Cartoonz scent off.' I lay back and float there closing my eye's. "Del come on tell me what are we going to do?" I then here the sliding glass door open. "What the hell do you think your doing! You keep saying your leaving but you come right back! I'll tell you this one last time. I don't and never will want you as my mate! Now get the hell out of my pool and leave!"   

I open my eye's and swim to the edge of the pool not even giving Vanoss any of my attention. "What giving me the silent treatment? Sorry but that wont work know tell me why the hell you'r here and in my f*cking pool!" Vanoss yelled walking to me as I was getting out of the pool. "I just felt like having a quick dip as Cartoonz and I wait for Ohm. Oh sorry if you where thinking I was here for you." I said as laugh running my hands throw my hair getting the water out. I look up and see Vanoss looking to me well looking at my wet clothes. 

"I should tell you to stop looking but this maybe the last chance you get to see me and having me looking this good is just a plus for you. So what? Like the eye candy I'm giving you?" I say as I pull down the collar of my shirt making sure Vanoss get's a good look at not only my body but the mark Cartoonz bit in to.  Vanoss jumps but keeps a straight face.     

I feel Vanoss's anger but I also feel him pushing his anger for me down. 'He's really being a idiot' I think to myself rolling my eyes. I look up to Vanoss and see Ohm in the house behind him. "Well Ohm's not here, All the guy's went out for a drink. I didn't go with them because I wanted to get some sleep. It's funny how easy everyone gets over you leaving." Vanoss laughed crossing his arms. 

I look back at him nodding my head "I see, I see well..." I look to Vanoss with a big smile. Vanoss smiles back at me thinking he got away with his lie. I push Vanoss and run past him. "Ohm! Cartoonz and I are here to get you!" I stop running making sure there's enough distance between us. I don't want Ohm to hate me even more than he already does.    

I look back and see Cartoonz run in after me. Vanoss is just standing outside grabbing on to his arm the one I pushed to get past him. Vanoss is looking away from the house so I cant tell what his face look's like but I can feel what he's trying to hold back. rage and... jealousy?  'If he feels jealous he should just tell me and I'll stop.'

I look to Ohm and see him giving me hate filled eye's. 'Okay I should be very careful of what I say to him.' I put my hands up to my shoulders to show that I'm not here to fight as I walk closer to him. "Ohm,  Cartoonz and I....." I see Ohm's eye's flash gray and he growls.  Ohm looks to Cartoonz then back to me. Ohm turns his head away then sighs. "Sorry.... I.   My instinct just didn't like it when you said his name." Ohm said as he turns to look to Cartoonz giving him a glare.  

Cartoonz looks away from Ohm and steps back a bit. I glare at Cartoonz. I told him to grow some back bone and Now is the time to stand tall and tell Ohm everything. I look to Ohm then to Cartoonz. 'I don't know what to do. I can act like I'm crazy in love with Cartoonz but say that he only has feeling's for Ohm. But that will make thing more difficult for Vanoss and I..... Why the hell am I over thinking this!  I'll just tell the truth!'   

I walk up to Cartoonz and grab him by his shirt pulling him down. I turn to face Ohm. "Cartoonz and I are childhood friends nothing more. I  was the one that made you think there was something more but there's not and because of that you stopped trusting him and me. Come on Cartoonz loves you enough to want to mark you but here you are wanting to hide your mate. Your mate is someone that loves and cares for you. But Cartoonz cares so much that he's willing to put his own feeling aside to make you happy!" I let go of Cartoonz shirt and walk to Ohm. "But here you are wanting Cartoonz to stay with you, But you don't want the mark ether! How can you be so selfish! All your thinking about is how others will see you and How you feel! Did you ever stop to think that is it really worth it? Hiding, Not being able to go on dates, and Not being able to tell anyone how much you love him."     

I grab on to Ohm's wrist making him look at me. I see his eye's full of tears. "I... I know.." Ohm says in a wispier holding back tears. "If you know then why are you pushing him away?!" Ohm shakes his head pulling his arm away from me. 'If that's not what he meant then what?'  Ohm takes a deep breath. "I know that Cartoonz tried to mark you." My eye's go big. "Ohm no it's not what you think! We...We where both hurting! Are instincts just...."  

I look to Cartoonz hoping he could help me explain but I turn to see Vanoss pushing Cartoonz up against the wall growling. "Wait stop!" I run an push Vanoss off of Cartoonz. I put my arms out standing between Vanoss and Cartoonz.   "Cartoonz, He didn't... I..I was the one that made Cartoonz try to remark me."  I close my eye's and shake my head biting my lip. 'Why the hell do I keep lying! I'm just going to making it worst for Cartoonz and I if I keep lying like this!'         

"Why do I feel like your lying..... No... Why do you feel the need to lie." Vanoss said looking to me giving off alpha authority. But for some reason the thing that scared me the most was the fact that Vanoss's eye's where his normal brown meaning he was in full control of himself. So whatever he says be it hurtful or kind I should know that it's coming from Vanoss himself and that scares me the most.        

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