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Delirious POV

Vanoss growled and bared his teeth but Moo stood his ground growling back. Vanoss stepped forward growling louder probably trying to scare Moo in to backing off. "Moo, I'm f*cking warning you. If you don't back the f*ck off I'm-" Before Vanoss could finish what he was about to say Moo pushed Vanoss back growling loudly. "No Vanoss I'm warning you. Come any closer to me or my mate and You will regret it." Moo growled. 

Everyone was shocked not only at the fact that the kind and sweet Moo was growling and baring his teeth, But more shocked at the fact that the big male beta that Moo was protecting was Moo's mate. I looked up and seen that Vanoss was not happy at the fact that Moo 'A alpha male' was Baring his teeth at him. Vanoss probably didn't hear or care to hear a thing Moo said, But was more mad at the fact that Moo was standing up to him.

I seen that Vanoss' eye's where now pure gold and that he was getting ready to attack Moo. I yelled to Moo jumping up to try to stop Vanoss from attacking him but before I even took a second step Vanoss and Moo where already fighting. Cartoonz grabbed me pulling me away from the fight and pushed me to where Tyler and Mini where taking care of Brian. I looked up to see that Cartoonz and Ohm where yelling, trying to pull Vanoss and Moo away from each other.          

There was so much going on I didn't know what to do. Vanoss and Moo where letting there alpha instinct's fight it out. But sense they where not holding back it was more than likely that they wont come out of it with just small cuts. I seen that Cartoonz was trying to get a hold of Vanoss but was then pushed into the living room table braking it. Ohm seen that Vanoss was distracted by Cartoonz so he jumped and pushed Vanoss to the ground. Ohm then grabbed Vanoss' arm and pulled it behind Vanoss' back and held it there. Vanoss growled as he tried to get up but Ohm put more presser on Vanoss' arm. 

Seeing that my mate was in trouble my instinct started screaming at me to help him. I stood up and let out a small growl towards Ohm but was pulled back by Tyler. I tried to pull away from Tyler but he tightened his grip. "You're really starting to piss me off Delirious! Mini give me the pill." Tyler then grabbed on to my chin and forced my mouth open. Tyler then took the pill from Mini and shoved it down my throat. I bit down on Tyler's hand and my mouth immediately tasted of iron. "Just f*ckin swallow the pill!" Tyler growled.

I swallowed the pill and Tyler pulled away then started looking to his hand. "I almost lost my f*cking hand!" Tyler yelled. "Yeah?!*Cough x2* Try to do that again! The next time I'll bite off one of your fingers!" I growled back. Mini then moved in front of me. "Sorry Delirious, But we had to make sure you took the pill and please calm down Ohm's just stopping Vanoss from hurting anyone so don't worry. The pill should help calm your heat down and maybe help Vanoss calm down as well." Mini said. I turned to look toward Vanoss seeing That Ohm is still holding him down but Cartoonz was now talking to Vanoss trying to calm him down. Seeing that they weren't going to hurt him I then look to Moo and see that he has a lot of cuts and bruises. Moo then turns and walks towards us. 

As Moo is walking towards us I see that he's holding onto his arm. "Moo, Is your arm okay?" Moo looks to me mad but then sighs and looks back to me with a smile. "I'm fine but my arm does hurt like hell. *laugh* *cough* Um... Delirious, I'm sorry but can you back off a bit?  I'm not trying to be mean but I can smell my mate's scent on you and the scent of your heat is still there." Moo said his face showing that he was sorry. I nodded then got up and move away from Moo and Brian. I then seen Mini get up and move towards me.

Mini sits down besides me and looks to me. "Hey Delirious, Is your heat going down?" I nod. "Yeah.... And sorry about all this." Mini grabs my hand. "Hey, It's all right. But next time when I tell you to take the pill you better take it." Mini said a bit sassy. I nodded and laughed.  Mini looked to Vanoss then back to me with his face showing that he wants to say something but that something maybe hurtful. "Mini, Whatever you want to say just say it." I said with a smile.

Mini nodded but then looked down. His face changing from the smile he was giving me to a sad and hurt one. "Delirious, I think...... Y-you should go back home." I let out a hurt wimpier. "Why do you say that?" Mini bit his lip and looked away from me. "Because you and Vanoss are..... Well... I don't know what you and Vanoss are, But You guy's don't even know that yourself's do you. I just think that it's best for you guy's to spend some time apart to think about everything." I open my mouth to tell him that everything between Vanoss and I is doing fine and that we don't need time apart to think about 'us' but I close my mouth thinking/knowing that Mini is right           

All that  Vanoss and I have been doing is fighting and if where not fighting were thinking about how it would be if we weren't mate's. When I think I want to be mate's with Vanoss, He is thinking of ways not to be mate's with me and when I think of giving up he's trying to sweet talk me back into it and it just starts over and over again. It's like where trying to start and fix something that isn't there.  Mini then turned and looked to me waiting for my answer. I then nodded. "Okay." I said with my voice cracking a bit. "I'll pack my things and trade in my flight ticket for one that will take me back a week earlier then planed." I gave Mini a half hurt smile and he gave me a sad one.               

Mini pulled me in for a hug. "Delirious, I can't say I know how your feeling right now but you and I both know that if you stay, You or someone else will get hurt." Mini said. "Hey are you forgetting someone? Do Moo's battle scars not count?" Tyler said in a joking manner. Moo let out a small giggle as he was combing his hand through Brian's hair.  "Yeah, You're right I don't want to see anyone else get hurt And I'll have time to clear my head about Vanoss being my mate and all. It may even help me find out if us being mate's is the right thing to do."   

Mini nodded then looked to Tyler and smiled. "Delirious, I know you and Vanoss are not eye to eye on the whole mate thing but when you guy's do figure it out I just hope both of you are happy. Okay?" Mini said looking back to me. "I know. *sigh* Well, I should tell the guy's I'm leaving right?" Mini nodded. I then got up and looked to Cartoonz, Ohm and Vanoss. Vanoss was sitting up looking out the sliding glass doors his eye's back to there normal color. While Cartoonz was talking to him probably giving him a lecher. Ohm was leaning on the side of the couch looking to Vanoss and Cartoonz.

I started to walk towards them but was stopped by Mini grabbing my hand. I looked to him with a confused look. "What's wrong?" Mini then shook his head. "You can't tell Vanoss, You can tell everybody else just not him." I look to Mini with big eye's. "What? Why not? I can't just leave with out telling him. If I don't tell him I wont even get to say goodbye or a 'talk to you later'." Tyler, Moo and Mini looked to me with sad face's. "Dude, I know you don't like it but if you tell him he'll throw another b!ch fit and not let you leave." Tyler said. "We know Vanoss wont be happy with you leaving without saying goodbye but time apart will help you guy's get your mind's straight. Okay, Delirious?"             


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