Chapter 23

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--------After the song-----------

We bowed to the crowd. They were still clapping and howling about our song and moves. We danced some parts from Pitch Perfect.

Aston was pissed off with lust and anger. He was full of lust with my outfit and dance, but angry because every un-mated male is really seeing me almost or at least naked.

I held the mic up to my mouth.

" Hello everyone! We are US and we are going to perform at least five times here!" I yelled into the mic. Me and my girls walked off of the stage.

We changed into our sweats and converse and walked outside. We walked over to my Lamborghini then drove to the guest house. Soon after Jack came over to the guest house with another pack member named Austin.

We all decided to watch a horror movie. By we I mean me, myself, and I made five bowls of popcorn and grabbed the snacks. We turned off all of the lights then pressed play.

After about 30 minutes of the movie Ruby was hiding behind Anna, while Jack was in my lap looking terrified at the moment. Austin was in front of me clinging onto a pillow for dear life. As for me I was hugging Lilly while she was hugging me back with a bowl of popcorn between the two of use. We were all scared shitless right now.

Right now we were looking at the screen watching the little girl get dragged into the graveyard. Then the door flung open. All of our heads snapped towards the door. The thing was ghostly looking. We screamed at the top of our lungs. Austin who in the beginning of the movie said and I quote " I'm NOT AFRAID OF LITTLE HORROR MOVIES."

Well he was screaming and the pillow flew out of his hands and he ran behind Anna. Me and Lilly jumped at the same time so Jack rolled off of me screaming that the thing should take me instead of him? How nice of my "son" to say that I should die instead of him. Ruby was dragging Austin in front of her. Me and Lilly were screaming at the top of our lungs. Jack was rolled up in a ball at the bottom of my feet.

The thing screamed too like a little girl. We were screaming until the thing turned on the lights. It was Jason and Kyle (another pack member).

Me and Lilly started to laugh at everyone's reaction. Soon everyone joined in. Jason and Kyle closed the door behind them. We all just stood there in a awkward moment.

Soon we heard a clash and we all screamed. Again. It was Aston who ran up to me and pulled me from Lill's grasp. I took my elbow then smacked him upside his head. He fell down to the ground out cold.

I with the help of Jack, Jason, Ruby, Lilly and Anna helped me while Austin ran up towards his room. We put him in the Pack Doctors care while we just said he ran into a tree. Well she believed us so we went to the guest house again.

Me and Lilly fell asleep 20 minutes later after Ruby had to leave because I had left her in charge.

I awoke to a person screaming, it was Jack.

I sprinted out of my room then ran to his room. He was sitting up in his bed screaming like a mad woman. I ran over to him and placed his head in my lap.

"Mama?" He asked.

"Yes baby, I'm here." I answered.

He relaxed under my touch. Remember Jack is 14 years old. I'm 19 years old. I didn't have anyone else to be Alpha so i picked him because he lost his parents.

"Can you stay with me?" he asked sleepily.

" Yes baby I will stay, now go to sleep." I responded.

He nodded his head then fell asleep in my lap, I lay-ed down. His head was on my stomach and his hands were gripping my waist, not too tight. He was snoring very lightly. I closed my eyes and fell asleep holding my son.

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