Chapter 33: Rejecting the Mate Pull

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The next morning I was in my office trying to find where and when the vampires are attacking.

I was looking at the map when Mark came running in breathing very heavily.

"Rouge attack." Mark yelled.

My eyes turned hard and I put my map away. I ran out of the door shouting orders. I sprinted out of the doors and sniffed the air.

The smell rouge and something else came from the west. I ran and 20 warrior's came with me. we ran until we saw the rouge holding someone in their arms choking them.

when I looked harder it was


If I was a cartoon I would have smoke coming out of my ears right now.

Jason's P.O.V

We were behind Ash when a load, can make anyone shit their pants, growl.
It rippled through the quite forest.
The rogue was confused, but when he saw Ash fear was in his eyes.

I looked over at Katie and mind-linked her.

"Shits about to go down now"

"Yeah I wonder what Ash will do?"

I closed the mind-link and looked back over at Ash.

Ash was mad. Her colorful hair was on fire. And her eyes. Her eyes were like blazing fire into your very soul. She stalked towards the rouge. Left foot after right in a straight line to the end the thing. The rouge dropped April and Ash ran over and caught her in her arms. April was coughing and gripping her throat. Ash handed April to Jack and he ran to the pack doctors wing.

I'm a flash Ash was in front of the rouge. She expanded her claws. Ash didn't let the rouge explain, she plunged her claws into his chest. We stared at her in horror. She grabbed the rouges heart and ripped it out. The rouges eyes lost their color and fell to the ground in a pool of sticky, red blood.

She turned around to face us with the heart still in her hands. She looked like a murder. Her hair and clothes were ripped and stained with blood. Her hair was still orange and red. Her eyes had died down a little but are still on fire.

"Get the body and burn it." Ash commanded.

She walked away with the heart still in hand and me and Katie followed her.

She walked into her office put the heart in a box then, turned to face us.

"You two will find out who his master was ASAP." She yelled.

We quickly nodded our heads then scrambled over each other to get away from her. She is a hot head right now and she has to take a chill pill.

Ashley's P.O.V

When Jason and Katie scrambled out the door I looked in the glass. My hair was red and orange. My eyes were no longer blue, but red like a demons. I took deep breaths to try and calm down.

So much has happened I don't know what to do about it anymore. April, the pack, and...


Oh god his name even sounds yummy

What! Get a grip Ash!

I blame the mate pull

I have been rejecting the mate pull for a while now and I'm going crazy. I can't stop thinking about him. His hair, body, but most of all... His eyes.

The mystery behind them is epic.

I shook my head and walked out of the room. I ran upstairs and took and shower. I changed into a "I hate Mondays" shirt and a pair of ripped skinny jeans with a camo jacket with the sleeves rolled up. I put on my black and yellow converse and put my hair in a clean bun. I shoved my phone and wallet in my back pocket and went back to my office. I opened my office door and sat down in my chair. I turned the power on for the computers. I also took out the map that i was using not to long ago.

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