Chapter 32

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Ashley's P.O.V

When Mark was out of ear shot I cracked up. Aston walked through the doors.

"What just happened?" He demanded.

Jason, Jack, Anna, and Katie ran over to me.

"aw shit not this part!" Jason whined.

"What part?" Aston commanded.

Jack walked over to me.

"Ash look at me." Jack said in barley a whisper.

Aston walked up to me and slapped Jack across the face. Jack stumbled and fell on his butt. I watched Jack fall. I turned my head back to Aston who was gripping my wrist.

"You are mine Ashley, you are my mate. I own you, no one can touch you only I can." He commanded in his Alpha tone.

There was a crowd forming of the two packs around us.

"Vous savez ce que Aston? Je suis malade et fatigué de vos jeux. Vous cassez mon coeur chaque fois que je vous vois. Vas te faire encule tout en place. Savez-vous ce qui est le pire, c'est? Je suis trop bon pour vous! J'ai pleuré pendant une semaine quand vous m'avez rejeté. Une contrainte est censée vous aimer jusqu'à ce que vous mouriez. Un compagnon que vous heps par la douleur. Pourquoi avez-vous me rejetez? Parce que vous avez été "datant" Missy ou que vous ne m'aimiez pas et que vous n'avez jamais voulu un compagnon! Je suis tellement fait avec toutes ces conneries!"

I screamed with tears building in my eyes. Anna ran over and hugged me.

"What did you say Ashley?" Aston asked.

"She said You know what Aston? I am sick and tired of your games. You break my heart each time I see you. You fuck everything up. Do you know whats the worst part is? I am too good for you! I cried for a week when you rejected me. A mate is supposed to love you till you die. A mate helps you through the pain. Why did you reject me? Because you were "dating" Missy or that you didn't love me and that you NEVER WANTED A MATE! I'm so done with all of this bullshit!" Jason answered for me.

"Maintenant tout le monde de l'emballage Dark Moon va revenir à leur domaine également que vous devriez aller Aston baise une vache! Vous pouvez tous aller remercier de votre âne stupide d'un Alpha pour être expulsé hors de cette zone. Vous n'arriverez jamais paquet pour aussi longtemps que je vivrai. Pas même quand je mourrai." I commanded.

They all looked at me like I was crazy. My pack was happy for them to be leaving my area.

"Really guys its French she said Now everyone of the Dark Moon pack will go back to their area also that you Aston should go fuck a cow! You all can go thank your stupid jackass of an Alpha for being kicked out of this area. You will never come back for as long as I live. Not even when I die."

"Now get out of my territory or I will kill all of you guys. NOW SCRAM!" I screamed.

They all ran towards the gates. When the last person was out April was standing in front of the gates. She turned to me and ran over to me.

"I don't want to leave you Jo Jo!" Her voice was muffled by my shirt.

"You have to go with your brother." I said with a calm voice.

"I don't even like him. He always used me for girls!' she cried into my shirt.

"It's OK you can stay with me." I soothed her.

"Really?" She asked while she looked into my eyes.

I smiled and nodded my head.

I picked her up. She kept crying in my shoulder. My pack looked at me with pride and love.

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