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A/N: Same as the last two, but gets slightly more real. You have been warned.

Olivia played with her new bangs timidly, loving how soft they felt. She pretended not to notice as Laura approached her and did the same, admiring the locks.

"Claire's trying to get her cosmetology license soon, but her parents won't let her." Laura commented offhandedly.

"Why not? She's fantastic." Olivia complimented, feeling impressed with herself as she managed to hold eye contact with Laura through the mirror. Her eyes seemed to tear into her, but Olivia held her ground.

"She's from a pureblood family, the Gamps. Her mother's not that bad, but her father is really traditional." Laura rolled her eyes at it, "He won't even let me into their house!"

"My friend Draco's like that. His mother is okay, but his father..." Olivia trailed off, her eyes glancing to her scars on reflex. A pang of depression hit her as she wondered  about Draco: where he was, what he was doing, even what he looked like anymore.

Laura thankfully ignored this, "Well it's only 9:12, What do you want to do?"

"I don't know, what is there?" Olivia shrugged, a furious blush attacking her as the motion brought her closer to Laura, the older girl's body heat gracing her back.

"There's 20 questions, truth or dare..." Laura trailed off, "Those might be a little young but I cant think of anything else." Laura shifted closer to Olivia, the younger hopeless to hide the increase in blush.

"I'm fine with anything," Olivia muttered, trying her best.

"Let's just do twenty questions, I don't feel like thinking of dares," Laura paused a second, moving to sit on her bed and motioning Olivia over. Olivia sat against the footboard, facing Laura.

"Are you going first?" Olivia asked, feeling really unsure of herself.

"Yeah, I'll start. Easy one first: What's your middle name?"

"It's Olivia." Olivia felt quite pleased with herself for not hesitating, although it was an easy question, "What's yours?"

"Mine's boring, it's Mary," Laura waved off the question easily, "Let's not do the repeating question thing. What's your favourite movie?"

Olivia was instantly stumped. The Malfoys didn't like movies, and so she never got to see one. She wracked her brain for any movie she could think of, "The Wizard of Oz, probably. What's your favourite colour?"

"Green. Who was your first crush?"

Her first crush? Olivia squirmed where she sat, trying to come up with a convincing lie that sounded nothing like "you" but was struggling. She finally gave up and picked a random name, "His name's Ron Weasley. I thought he was cute, turned out to be a complete idiot. Who's your current crush?"

"Ooh clever question," Laura giggled, "Well there's Harry Potter, of course, but more realistically I don't think I have one. The guys at my school were all idiots. Have you had your first kiss?"

Olivia swore her cheeks couldn't get any redder, "Nope. What house were you in at Ilvermorny?" Olivia tried to change the topic, hoping she'd take the bait.

Laura seemed to know exactly what she was doing, "Horned serpent. Did you ask Ron out?"

Oh it turns out there was a deeper shade of blush, who knew, "No, of course not. Are we at twenty questions yet?"

"Halfway there if you say twenty in total," Laura laughed, "Have you ever had a crush on a girl before?"

Oh Merlin, Olivia really didn't like the subject choice, "I-I don't think so. What time is it?"

Hope In Hiding (Book 2 of the Lost Potter Series)Where stories live. Discover now