A Panic for Christmas

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A/N: Quick Question: do you guys want to see some Charlie incorporated into this story? I have an idea but I'm still on the fence. Let me know!

Not too long after Olivia headed upstairs, Remus had packed his suitcase and left for another assignment. And, not too long after that, Phineas Nigellus popped up in the dining room to inform Sirius that Mr. Weasley had been gravely injured and that Sirius should expect the rest of the Weasleys, plus Harry, within the hour. Sirius confirmed that he had gotten the message and quickly darted up to Olivia's room to bring her down for when the guests arrived.

"Liv? Somethings happened, everyone's coming home early," Sirius informed as he shook her shoulder gently to wake her.

"Hmm?" Olivia groaned before the words sunk in. Her eyes widened as the meaning hit her, and she stood up in a flash, tearing over to her drawers to get dressed.

"They'll be here within the hour," Sirius commented as he left the room to put on a proper jacket himself.

The two hurriedly dressed and perhaps too excited inhabitants of Grimmauld Place waited in the kitchen basement with Sirius explaining all that he knew to Olivia.

"Phineas said that Mr. Weasley had been gravely injured, and that's why we'll be expecting everyone. I don't know how long the kids have known, or what Arthur's condition is, so they might not be thrilled to be coming here instead of St. Mungo's."

"Order related injury?" Olivia asked simply, adjusting her wrinkled shirt fruitlessly.

Sirius nodded as he bounced his leg in anticipation. Just as he was about to double-check with Phineas about the timing, the Weasleys+ Harry appeared by portkey in the kitchen. As the group fumbled to stand, Olivia knelt down to help Ginny up from underneath a tangle of her brothers' legs. She smiled at the offer, though her eyes were tear stained.

"What's going on?" Olivia asked at a moderate tone, addressing it more to the boys but not turning away from Ginny.

"Ask Harry," one of the twins snapped.

"Yeah, I want to hear this for myself," the other twin agreed, staring at Harry intently.

"It was—," Harry stuttered out, his discomfort rolling off him in waves, "I had a— a kind of— vision..." he hesitantly launched into a retelling of the dream, not meeting anyone's eyes but Ron's. He described himself watching a giant snake attacking Arthur Weasley, striking him several times and leaving him for dead. While Olivia could sense he was hiding something, she herself had felt the immense rage that Harry hinted at yet didn't describe aloud in her dreams before being awoken by Sirius, though she assumed the anger was her own.

Immediately after the story, the first twin turned to Sirius, "Is Mum here?"

"She probably doesn't even know what's happened yet," said Sirius, "The important thing was to get you away before Umbridge could interfere. I expect Dumbledore's letting Molly know now."

"We've got to go to St. Mungo's," said Ginny urgently. She looked around at her brothers—they were all still in their pajamas. Olivia couldn't help the pang of protectiveness that urged her to not let Ginny go again. It was a fleeting feeling, that confused her greatly, but she tried not to show any of it.

"Sirius, can you lend us cloaks or anything — ?"the second twin asked.

"Hang on, you can't go tearing off to St. Mungo's!" said Sirius urgently.

" 'Course we can go to St. Mungo's if we want," said the first twin with a mulish expression, "he's our dad!"

"And how are you going to explain how you knew Arthur was attacked before the hospital even let his wife know?" Sirius sassed.

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