Extended Family

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After a moment of remembering how to fly, Olivia began to laugh and flap her wings to take her as high as she could go, savouring her momentary freedom. She knew the flight wasn't long, just a little under an hour*, but she hurried along anyway, doing her best to stay focused while enjoying the night air.

After feeling for the pull that she and Harry seemed to have, she followed that course high within the clouds. And it was all going to plan until a certain larger bird (again, Olivia was no expert on aviation) decided that Olivia would make a great meal. The larger bird, who Olivia assumed was a male simply from the deeper sounding "Aha!" That sprang from him once he had grabbed her, had barely caught up to Olivia before diving and snatching her.

Luckily for Olivia, her natural reaction was to bite at the talons that held her, which was done just in time to surprise the other bird, who let go on instinct. Olivia let herself drop like a stone for a few moments before rushing off, hoping the layer of clouds between them would further discourage his pursuit.

Thankfully, she was close enough to Privet Drive that she could swoop between houses, adding to her advantage. Which strategy worked Olivia wasn't sure, but the bird didn't bother her anymore from there. Slightly shaken from the encounter with the ecosystem, Olivia sped up further.

Once finally at the house, Olivia decided not to call out to Harry, as he seemed to be in the kitchen with other people present, and instead entered through the chimney and into the fireplace kitchen. Harry's eyes lit up in recognition as Olivia perched on his shoulder.

Olivia?! What are you doing here?

Message for you. And really just to say hi.

"FOR GOD'S SAKE!" roared the larger man at the table, who pulled at his moustache in a fury, "I WILL NOT HAVE OWLS HERE, I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS, I TELL YOU!"

"This isn't even an owl!" Harry snapped under his breath as he hurriedly untied the message from Olivia's leg. Olivia read the vague, cryptic message in Harry's hands ("Arthur's just told us what's happened. Don't leave the house again, whatever you do." Come on, Sirius) and could feel the anger rising up from Harry.

"-these blasted birds, whatever they are, shooting in and out of my house, I won't have it—" He rambled on.

"I can't stop the letters." Harry snapped, crumbling the letter in his fist and shoving in his pocket.

"I want the truth about what happened tonight!" barked Who Olivia assumed was Vernon Dursley. "If it was demenders who hurt Dudley, how come you've been expelled? You did you-know-what, you've admitted it!"

With Harry's rage building, Olivia tried to calm him down Be careful, if they kick you out there could be countless dementors and death eaters on you in a second.

Harry nodded without thinking and took a steady breath, "I did the Patronus charm to get rid of the dementors. It's the only thing that works against them."

"But what were dementoids doing in Little Whinging?" said Vernon, outraged.

"Couldn't tell you," said Harry wearily. "No idea."

Do you know? Or are you not allowed to tell me? Harry snapped at Olivia telepathically.

I don't-

"It's you," shouted Vernon forcefully. "It's got something to do with you, boy, I know it. Why else would they turn up here? Why else would they be down that alleyway? You've got to be the only — the only —" He seemed to some mental barrier against the word "wizard." "The only you-know-what for miles."

Hope In Hiding (Book 2 of the Lost Potter Series)Where stories live. Discover now