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Sirius, by some determination Olivia didn't know about, managed to run all the way back to the cave with only one break in Hogsmeade. Returning there, his energy continued with a sudden transformation followed by fervent packing of what little materials they had.

"So we're leaving again? Just like that?" Olivia asked as she transformed herself, grabbing some of her extra socks and shoving them into her pockets as to not forget them.

Sirius didn't even pause to respond, "I know it wasn't much of a goodbye, but we're still wanted criminals here, Liv."

Olivia crossed her arms and faced him, "We're wanted criminals who are now going to be staying at a mates house like it's normal? I'm not angry or anything I just wish you would tell me the plan."

Sirius had finished packing by that point and turned to face her, "Dumbledore has given me orders to gather the members of an old group we had in the first war, called the Order of the Phoenix. Considering those people don't live at Hogsmeade or Hogwarts, we need someplace else to stay... Remus's house is closer to civilisation, but also very secluded as so he doesn't get caught. We're going to be staying with him for the time being...Did I miss anything?"

Opening her mouth to respond, Olivia found herself without anything to respond with. Shrugging, she did her best to wake Buckbeak up and keep him calm while Sirius guided him outside. Climbing on to the hippogriff's back once more, the trio of ex-cons flew off towards England.


Remus's house—cottage, more like— was a dingy little Tudor home in the very outskirts of Yorkshire. And, while it helped Sirius to be closer to civilisation, Buckbeak was just not having it.

"Are we there?" Olivia asked as she peered out towards the ground help. She saw no lights, nor any sign of civilisation, and knew something was up.

Sirius's knees tightened even further at the questioning, "We still have another five minutes or so, but Buckbeak won't get any closer to the city!"

Olivia joined in the effort in tugging on Buckbeak to try and change their course, but the stubborn hippogriff somehow seemed to descend faster with their urging otherwise. Crushing pines as they went, Buckbeak came to a hasty stop on the forest floor, refusing to even move his wings to help them off.  Sirius looked ready to punt the creature back to Scotland, so Olivia decided to walk in between them, leading Buckbeak along to where Sirius instructed.

"How do you know where this is, anyway?" Olivia asked as they trudged along.

Sirius jumped at the sound of a squirrel scurrying up the tree before responding, "Dumbledore sent a map a while back. Here—" he pulled a piece of parchment out of the outside of their bag, holding it out to Olivia.

Sure enough, it was an oddly detailed map and written instructions detailing where to go and when to be careful. Olivia raised her eyebrows in mild surprise as she read them over, "When did you even get this?"

"Dumbledore sent it, I can't remember exactly when," Sirius responded, giving her an odd look with it.

"Don't look at me like I'M the crazy one here," Olivia snapped at him, feeling her mood change from tired to cranky in seconds flat. Sirius just raised his hands in surrender, leaving their walk's soundtrack to their shuffling and the wildlife.

"Are we close, at least?" Olivia said after a while, her beat-up sneakers doing very little to help her tired feet.

"A few more minutes," Sirius kept it short, starting to become aware that he and Liv really needed the break.

Hope In Hiding (Book 2 of the Lost Potter Series)Where stories live. Discover now