Phone Call through the Flames

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It was the next day before Olivia's letter to Harry was written. She did her best not to include any of her own trials from the night before, as she knew that Harry had enough going on as it was. Before she began writing, however, Sirius stopped her.

"We're going to talk to Harry on the 22nd," Sirius said seemingly out of nowhere.

Olivia raised an eyebrow, "And how exactly will we be doing that?"

"Floo network. We won't travel anywhere, but we'll be able to talk to him." Sirius explained casually, although there was an uneasiness to his posture.

"And where exactly will we be to place this call?"

Sirius looked caught, "I may or may not have found a wizarding house we could break into to use their fireplace."

Olivia looked at him exasperated, "Sirius—"

"Before you say anything else! It's an elderly couple who are planning on going on vacation— which they were discussing at Inverness— and they will most likely be well out of the house. And yes, I am aware this is illegal, but there are death eaters at Hogwarts and we need to warn Harry."

"Who's at Hogwarts?" Olivia asked, completely abandoning the breaking and entering ordeal.

"Igor Karkaroff. He was convicted but let off because of how many names he spilled. Half the guys in Azkaban were in there because of him." Sirius chuckled darkly, "He was not well liked."

"How do you know about that?" Olivia had the brief image of Sirius as a death eater pop back into her head.

"I forgot that you never experienced social hour. Before Fudge was Minister they used to let the inmates have social hour on the bottom floor," Sirius stopped and pondered for a moment, "Fudge didn't have that strong of a stance, thinking about it. It still happened on occasion until they admitted you, of course."

Olivia shuddered, "Really glad I wasn't around for that. So we just have to wait until the twenty-second to talk to Harry?"

Sirius nodded, "Yup. Now hurry and write your letter so I can send this back."

"Alright, alright..." Olivia trailed off, picking up the paper and pen and writing on one of the textbooks Harry had sent her:

Dear Harry (read the other letter first),

I guess Sirius read your mind, as he set up the call all on his own. I'll be there with him, of course, and am looking forward to seeing you. Make sure that you're alone when we call (maybe have Hermione on guard?).

Ron's being stupid. You didn't choose all this attention, and from the sound of it you don't even want it. If he keeps being rude let me know and I'll happily send him a letter (not a howler, granted, but still strongly-worded). You need as much help as you can get right now, and as your best friend he should realise that.

I have to go as Sirius is eager to send his letter. Say hello to Hermione for me! -Olivia

"There you go." Olivia handed over the letter, which Sirius folded over his and sent off with the Hogwarts owl.

"And now we wait."


It was over a fortnight until the twenty-second, so they had quite a lot of waiting to do. Harry had written back to both of them immediately, with the letter arriving the following morning:

Dear Sirius and Olivia,

I'll be there on the 22nd. Hermione and I have it all planned out to clear the room, so it should be fine. And I'll try my best to keep an eye out for anything, but the stress is piling on and I'm not as keen as I'd like to be.

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