Vladimir Vladimirovich

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"So, Mr. Kim is finally beginning to test his missiles?" Vladimir Putin says as he pets his dog Yume while it rips apart a Hillary Clinton doll.
"Yes, the United States are also taking measures to protect themselves from any possible attacks." said the minister of foreign affairs, Sergei Lavrov.

"What pussies they are," says Vladimir under his breath.
"As you know, there aren't many precautions we have to take since Russia is a powerful country as it is."
He hears a knock on the door.
"Come in," he replies.

The young intern approaches his desk and bows his head briefly out of respect. He places a letter in front of Vladimir and leaves without saying a word.

He picks up the envelope and neatly opens it.
"Oh, look," he thought. it's another love letter from president Duterte. He should not have chosen to reject the US as an ally, what a rash desicion that was.

It was an official proposal for an alliance along with China. Such a country has little to offer.
Still, if he were to take the offer, that would mean America would lose a considerable amount of influence in Asia.
He hummed.
"Maybe I'll think of this at a later time," he said to Sergei, waving the letter in the air.
The dog started to bark again, demanding attention from him.
"Oh, Yume," he sighs as he opens his desk drawer filled with thirty or so Clinton dolls and throws another one to the floor.

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