Kim Jong Un's kpop fanfic

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"Jongun hyung..." said Taehyung.

I blushed and looked away, but he nudged my chin towards his face with his warm fingertips.
"Y...yes, Taehyung-ah?"

"I know you love me. Say it. Prove it to me."

"Hey Jong, aren't we supposed to be leaving soon??" Donald yelled from outside of the bathroom.
Jongun jolted in his seat and put his book behind the toilet. His heart began to beat faster as he imagined what was to come later this day.

"Ok, ok, I'm coming out." Jongun responded.

"Good," Donald replied.
"It took you long enough."


The four men sat quietly in the car. After spending over a month together, they've become significantly more comfortable with each other. In this case however, no man had the courage to ask Jongun about what his plan was. Donald was quietly dozing off next to Putin. The car swerved and Donald's head went from leaning on the window to leaning on Vladimir's shoulder, but he Vladimir didn't move. He and Rodrigo were pensively staring out the window, observing the tall pines and firs.  After a little bit, they dozed off too.


Jongun jumped for joy when they got out of the car. The four men found themselves in the middle of a vast forest, miles away from any town. Even then, the towns were isolated themselves.
There was a shed, the size of a one car garage.
Thinking of what's inside made Jongun giddy.
At last, he couldn't wait, and ran through the door.
There were his idols, huddled in a corner in fear and awe of Jongun's dominating presence.
One could see the how each boy subtly and tentatively grabbed the other's arm. Jongun himself was quite turned on by this. The look in Taehyun's beautiful eyes sparked a fire in Jongun's heart.

"Boys..." Jongun said flirtatiously.
"Will you dance for me?"

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