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As we pulled up into the school parking lot. I noticed there was a lot of people already walking around.

I parked the car and the guys were taking off their seat belts as I pulled out my lipstick out of my purse.

I started putting it on. Jaeden groaned.

"Stop it you don't need all that on," he said trying to pull it out of my hands.

"Hey! I want to look good sometimes, " I smirked.

I put the lipstick away and started taking off my seatbelt when I felt Jacks presence against the back of my neck.

"He's right you don't need it." He smirked.

I then got out of the car along with Jaeden and Jack following and we started walking towards the front entrance. Passing people in the parking lot.

"But... you do look cute with it on," Jack finished mumbling.

I didn't hear actual words all I heard was Jaeden hitting Jack on the shoulder from behind me.

I giggled to myself as we walked in.

It was your average high school. Girls gossiping in little circles. Boys throwing footballs and checking out girls. Nothing special.

I was looking around for Millie and along with Sophia. They're my best friends. But I didn't see them and decided just to go near Jaeden and Jacks locker where I knew Wyatt and Finns were too.

They would all meet their before class started to talk and gossip like girls.

I followed the boys until we were coming near their lockers, because I heard a familiar voice known as Finn.

"There they are," Finn said as he and Wyatt were leaned up against their lockers talking. Their attention was now towards us.

"Jack! What's up! y/n didn't run you over yet?" Finn smirked, earning a giggled from Wyatt and Jaeden.

I smiled myself. "He wishes I was that good,"

I pulled Jack into a side hug so I know I didn't hurt his feelings too bad.

"I'm fine, used to it now." Jack said pulling away from the hug.

I shrugged. And stood beside them all. They continued small talk of who knows what while I was still scanning the hallway for my friends.

"Hm, y/n?"

I glanced back to see them all looking at me with wide eyes. Like they were waiting for an answer.

"Did you even hear what he said?" Jaeden asked annoyed.

I looked down of embarrassment. "Who?"

"Finn! What are you stupid?" Jack said annoyed also, all because I wasn't paying attention to them.

This happened a lot. They would easily get over it. It just their hormonal personalities.

"Hm. No. I wasn't listening. What was it?" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"I said, did you hear about that party tonight?"

Nothing came across my mind. "No I don't think so, who's party?"

"Noah's. He said it's a beginning of summer party. I already told him our gang would be there." Finn said as he leaned up against the locker again.

"Okay cool. Let's me know what time, I'll talk to you guys later?" I said nodding and walking away towards my locker. They nodded as I left.

Once I made my way through the hallway and got to my locker, I started unlocking it.

Then I felt a presence lean up against the locker beside mine, Which was Millie's.

I jumped at the startle and looked up.

I saw Noah.

"What's up miss Lieberher!" he smiled.

"Hey, What's up Schnapp!" I giggled.

Noah and I became closer during freshman year. We've been okay friends through high school. I see him around a lot too.

"So did you get your invite to my party?" He questioned.

"Yeah Finn just told me. I'll be there!" I smiled.


"What time was it by the way?" I asked.

"Um, it officially starts around 7:00pm. But, if you want you could come early.
To hang out."

I thought for a moment. "Well I'll see. Maybe I'll text you later about it," I smiled as put my stuff into my locker.

"Sounds good. See ya later!" He smiled and started walking down the hall.

"See ya," I almost mumbled. Knowing that by his distance he didn't hear me anyway.

I shrugged it off and grabbed my things. I wanted to look for Sophia and Millie. I was getting ready to walk off and shut my locker.

I turned around and ran into someone.

It was Sophia.

"Sophia! I've been looking for you!" I hugged her.

"Us too!" She smiled. Millie was beside her too and I hugged her as well.

It was time to get caught up. Maybe today wasn't gonna be so bad.


The guys were still talking about who knows what. I on the other hand wasn't paying attention.

After y/n walked away I watched her walk down the hallway. After a few peaceful seconds went by, I saw Noah walking by checking her out. He smirked and then leaned up beside her and acted like a whole different person.

I felt my face get red with anger.

"You okay dude?" Jack asked.

I glanced at him, they were all looking at me.

I sighed. "No. she's been here five minutes and she's already getting herself in trouble, by not doing anything."

"Why do you care so much, anyway?" Jaeden asked, genuinely concerned.

I thought for a moment, "I don't know.."

Finn sighed. "There's nothing we can do man. Just let it go. She has all the guys after her," he giggled.

Jaeden sighed. "Don't say that,"

I nodded and smiled at his remark.

Jaeden kept looking over at her making sure Noah wasn't pulling anything. I was happy I wasn't the only one that cared.

I mean truthfully, y/n was too beautiful to be innocent.

That's why I love her.

What? I mean that's why I care about her, well. You know what never mind...

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