twenty five

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3 Months Later

"Come on y/n! We've gotta win this next round!" Finn screamed with excitement.

"Don't worry we've got this, trust me." I smiled and look beside me at Sophia, then to Finn. My teammates.

We were playing a board game for good times sake. It was us against Jaeden,Wyatt, and Jack.

Millie wanted to be the 'judge'. Her reasoning was she claimed to not be very good at the game.

Our night consisted of laughter, and good memories. It was nice.

I realized all along throughout my life i had been making mistakes, not to enjoy myself with the time I have on this earth.

After Wyatt gave me a scare. I realized, I should live like there's no tomorrow. I shouldn't act like the world is gonna end over every little thing. I take my friendships and accomplishments in life more seriously.

Not that I didn't before, but i try harder now. I can thank Wyatt for that.

My thoughts were interrupted by the boys hooting loudly as they scored some points.

I laugh along with them as they cheer. I look across the table to meet the eyes with the love of my life. Wyatt.

I smiled as he held eye contact. I giggled as his curls were still falling on his face.

Nothing with him has changed.

He's still always been with me. There for me. and I was there for him.

We were as close as best friends. Then as of a change of an instant, we had a deeper connection. I guess it was meant to happen. I t felt good knowing we would be there for each other. Always.

I think it brought all of us closer as friends, knowing we could be completely honest with each other.

As we all sat at the kitchen table, the table where we sat as middle-schoolers struggling with homework, to the table we set up for our 16th birthdays. To the table we would put our diplomas on. It had a meaning. A deeper meaning.
I guess everything did.

I smiled and looked around at my friends, my family, As we made a lot of memories. Awaiting to make more.

It's Always Been You  ▸ Wyatt Oleff ✓Where stories live. Discover now