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y/n's POV

It was now about 3:30pm. School was officially out. Jaeden and I just rode home from school together. Finn, Jack, and Wyatt, took Wyatt's car and decided to get some things for the party.

Millie and Sophia said they were gonna go home and get ready, then meet here.

I've been dying all day to tell them about what happened between Wyatt and I.

To be honest, he was my first kiss. Only they know that. Plus Jaeden, But he's my trustworthy brother. Then it hit my mind, I need to tell Jaeden about Wyatt and I.

Even though it might be nothing, I still think he should know. Plus, I don't want him finding out for the first time from Jack or Finn.

We were about halfway home, it was a nice sunny day outside, and we had the radio on loud.

Jaeden had his eyes on the road.

I leaned forward and turned the radio down. My heart started pounding. What do I say?

"Wait, Why did you turn the radio down?" He asked not taking his eyes off the road. He was a good driver.

"Well I thought we could talk," I giggled, trying to lighten the mood.

"Okay. About what?" He said.

I was about to say something else when he interrupted me. "Oh..."

I looked at him. "What?"

Does he know?

He sighed. "Look sorry if your upset about the party, it was kinda late notice."

"No, no, no. That's not it."

"Well stop stuttering. You already know you can tell me anything," He said, quickly glancing at me.

I smiled. "I know. Well, this morning I said I fell asleep last night, and that's why I never came back downstairs,"

"Yeah. And..."

I took a breath. " I went out for ice-cream with Wyatt actually. I just thought you should know. I mean he is your best friend."

" True. Are you guys a thing? Because if so I wouldn't care if that's what your concerned about. I mean, he's your best friend too, right?"

"Yeah he is. And I'm not sure if we are. But I'm pretty sure Jack and Finn suspected something so I just wanted to tell you first."

"Okay. Well, thanks for telling me," He smiled.

I smiled back.

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