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We officially arrived to the party. We weren't even close to late, but it was already packed with everyone from school.

Jaeden parked the car and we all got out. We stood there for a second.

"Well... dang," Jack mumbled, looking in awe.

"Noah knows how to throw a party." Finn finished Jacks sentence.

"True that," Jaeden agreed.

"Well come on Sophia, let's go!" I smiled and Sophia and I made our way towards the house.

As we got closer, I glanced behind me to see all the guys following behind us.

Here we go...

I'd been hanging out with Millie and Sophia for most of the time. We just hug out and talked about pretty much, everything.

I made my way towards the kitchen to get us all a drink, when I bumped into someone.

I glanced up to see Noah.

I was about to apologize for bumping into him, when he cut me off.

"Hey! y/n! Glad to see you here." He smiled.

"Hey Noah! Glad to see you too,"

"So how do you think the party's going so far?" He asks.

"Pretty good in my opinion," I said talking over the loud music playing.

"Good. So what happened with earlier?" He questioned as I was pouring our drinks into some cups.

"I don't know, I just ran out of time, I guess."

"Oh, that's fine. I had a lot to do, with getting ready and all anyway."

"Yeah. I should take these. Millie and Sophia are waiting." I said giggling.

"Yeah. Have fun!" He smiled.

"You too!" I mumbled smiling.

I made my way through some people and took the drinks to where we were sitting. I handed their cups to them and sat down beside them.

"Thank you y/n!" Sophia smiled.

"Thank you gorgeous!" Millie said the same time Sophia did.

I smiled. "No problem,"

"So y/n, Millie and I were taking while you were gone..." Sophia started.

"and..." Millie added.

"We decided that we've both been seeing Wyatt staring at you all night," Sophia stated.

"You should go talk to him, y/n!" Millie smiled.

I glanced over across the room and saw Wyatt. He was talking with Jaeden. But when I looked directly at him, he looked towards me. We locked eyes for a moment. Then he looked away.

I did the same.

"Yeah maybe," I stated. They both smiled.

"Go ahead. We won't care, " Millie giggled.

I nodded at them. I thought for a moment. I don't want to hang out or flirt with one of my best friends in the middle of a party.

Then I thought of an idea.

I glanced out the living room window and didn't see anyone on the porch. And I saw a porch swing.

I made my way towards the front door and glanced towards Wyatt.

I saw him look at me again and lock eyes. I nodded my head towards the front door and kept eye contact with him.

I knew he saw what I was trying to say.

Then I walked out the door and onto the porch. I sat on the porch swing.

A few seconds later I heard him coming outside, making his way toward me. I smiled.

"Hey," he smiled as he sat down beside me. He sat his drink on the ground beside him.


I felt my heart beating faster. Why now? When I'm with Wyatt, almost everyday, it's never like this.

"So how do you think the party's going?" He asked.

I thought for a moment. "Good I guess. I've only really talked to Millie and Sophia. I'm not good friends with anyone else besides all you guys."

"Yeah same for me. I've mostly been hanging out with Jaeden." Wyatt giggled.

I smiled.

Wyatt bent down to pick up his drink, he previously sat down.

When he sat back up. One of his curls was in his face. I smiled and slowly moved it to where it was before.

I looked into his eyes. He was already staring at me. I just looked back.

He looked down for a moment.

"So uh, I wanted to ask you, are you and Noah, like a thing? I've been seeing you guys taking. I just wanted to know..." Wyatt asked.

"Oh, no. I only talked to him this morning because he wanted me to come over early. I never texted him like I said I was going to. So that's also why I was taking to him earlier. We're just friends, I guess."

"Oh. That's good." He smiled.

"Why?" I asked.

He looked up. "What?"

"Why did you want to know, silly," I giggled.

"Oh," he smiled looking down. Which I have to admit, was really cute.

"I just was wondering." He glanced over at me.

"Oh." I glanced down and took a sip of my drink, in my hand.

My other hand was on my lap.

I felt warmth. Wyatt intertwined his fingers with mine.

I smiled at glanced over at him.

But he was already glancing over at me.

It's Always Been You  ▸ Wyatt Oleff ✓Where stories live. Discover now