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I opened my eyes and felt the morning sunlight burn my eyes.

After quickly closing and opening my eyes a few times, I managed to fully awaken.

I sat up and for some reason I had the urge to smile. Which I have to admit, was not a usual thing.

The first thing that popped into my mind was Wyatt. He's the reason I was smiling.

Then I also remembered it was the last day of school. Which I was also really happy about.

I got fully out of bed and decided I needed to start getting ready.

After I was ready, I grabbed my bag and slipped my shoes on.

I made my way downstairs and walked into the kitchen. I looked up to see Jaeden and Finn sitting at the table, eating breakfast.

"Hey what happen last night? We waited for you to come back down." Finn said, him and Jaeden both looking up now.

I walked over to the counter to pour a cup of coffee. "Yeah, I was going too but I went on my phone and then fell asleep." I giggled to the fake story that rolled out of my mouth, secretly hoping they would believe it word for word.

"Oh that's cool. We didn't really care but, we were just wondering."

I walked over with my coffee cup and sat down across from them.

"Where's Jack?" I asked sipping my cup.

"And Wyatt?" I finished.

Jaeden looked at me, Then he looked to Finn and they both started laughing.

"Well, Jack was complaining he was tired so he went home," Jaeden giggled.

"He wants us to pick him up and give him a ride to school, but we decided if he's not in the driveway when we pull out, were leaving without him." Finn laughed along with Jaeden. Which made me laugh too.

"Sounds like a plan."

"And we haven't heard from Wyatt," Jaeden started. " I texted him last night and he didn't reply."

I looked down and took another sip from my drink. "Oh,"

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Heck yeah I'm ready! I want summer to be here," Finn grinned.

"True that, I don't think I can wait another day, to say the least." Jaeden agreed.

I smiled. "Same here." As we made our way outside.

Let's just say Jack wasn't waiting in the drive way.

Jaeden drove as Finn sat in the passenger seat. I sat in the back seat, precisely, in the middle.

We passed through the neighborhood. I glanced at Wyatt's house and his car wasn't there, he must be at school already. Wow, he left early.

"So any special plans for tonight?" I asked the guys.

"Well Jaeden and I came up with something," Finn grinned, looking at Jaeden, Who didn't take his eyes off the road, but he didn't need to. He spoke with the biggest grin on his face.

"Oh no," I mumbled

It's Always Been You  ▸ Wyatt Oleff ✓Where stories live. Discover now