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The car came to a stop as Wyatt parked the car. It was about 8:00pm.

Since summer was basically here, the sun would start to set later everyday.

Surprisingly, it was almost set as we got out of the car. We walked side by side and made our way into the parks entrance.

After walking around for a bit and just talking about life and random things.

I felt like reaching towards his hand, only because I missed his touch when we did before.

He still had his ice cream in his hand as he was in the middle of rambling on about some crazy thing he did as a kid.

I felt an urge of confidence and grabbed his free hand. He stopped talking and glanced at me and gripped on tighter to my hand.

I smiled, and so did he.

I looked behind him to see the sun finally setting.

Wyatt's POV

She grabbed my hand and intertwined her fingers with mine. I felt my heart skip a beat.

I guess we were on the same page, I was planning on doing the same thing, when I thought the time was right. I missed her touch.

She was smiling and it made me smile.

Then I saw her eyes go behind me. I turned around and the sun was finally setting, The sky was basically all orange. It was beautiful, but never as beautiful as her.

I glanced back at her, She was now beside me. She was still staring at the sunset.

All our lives we've told each other everything. I know for a fact she's always been obsessed with sunsets.

" It's beautiful," She mumbled.

I was still staring at her as she smiled.

'Yeah... it's beautiful,"

y/n's POV

We decided we should get home. It was getting late since we stayed and talked for awhile.

We were now in the car. Passing bright streetlights, and had all the windows down. My hair was once again going everywhere.
I laughed to myself.

"What?" Wyatt glanced at me and smiled.

"I was just remembering when my hair kept hitting you in the face," I smiled.

Then he started laughing too.

"I mean, I didn't really mind it," He grinned.

We kept laughing the whole way home.

Soon enough we were pulling down our road. Wyatt pulled into his driveway and parked the car.

"Well tonight was fun," I smiled.
" I had a really great time."

"Me too. Maybe we could do it again sometime?" he said glancing at me.

I smiled at him. "Definitely."

I opened my door and got out of the car. "See you tomorrow Wyatt,"

"See ya." He said as he got out of the car too.

I was walking towards my house. When I heard his voice.


I stopped and turned around, "Yeah?"

He walked closer to me. Our faces now inches apart.

I felt him come closer to me, As I closed my eyes.

I felt his warm lips against mine. My heart was beating out of my chest.

Then I felt his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer. I put my arms around his neck. Copying his actions and pulling him closer.

I smiled as we pulled away.

"Goodnight," He whispered.

"Goodnight." I mumbled back.

We then went our separate ways, I walked through the front door, my mom wasn't there. She must have went to bed.

All the lights were off except the back patio, Which I could see beaming through the windows. Along with the bonfire, which was beaming about five feet high. I giggled to myself knowing the weird stuff that they were probably doing.

I leaned back against the front door and slid down it, until I felt the floor hit my bottom.

I sat there for a few minutes, contently.

The whole time a smile had never left my face.

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