twenty two

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side note: mature content warning?

I looked at the big door in front of me and knocked as I waited for Wyatt to open the door.

A few moments later, he did. There was a moment of silence as he looked at me. I blushed.

"Well hello darling. Don't you look stunning," He said smiling.

"Thank you handsome," I smiled.

I stepped inside his house as Wyatt intertwined our hands together. We walked towards the kitchen.

"Well hello gorgeous, y/n, it's so good to see you." Wyatt's mother, Jennifer, smiled pulling me into a tight embrace.

"Yes it is! y/n you've grown up so much over the years." Wyatt's father smiled, shaking my hand tightly.

We had sat down to dinner that Jennifer made and It was delicious, and I made sure to tell her.

It was really nice getting to enjoy some time with Wyatt and his family. They were really close, I guess part of it was because Jennifer seems to be home a lot and they spend a lot of time together.

My father works a lot, and I'm only really close with Jaeden and my mom. It's a good thing though.

Dinner was full of smiles and laughs as I got to catch up with Jennifer and Doug. As them being my neighbor since I could remember, and our parents being friends, it was great to share old fun stories from the past.

The good, the bad, and
the humorous ones too.

After dinner Wyatt and I helped clean up, then we went to his room to hang out. His parents said they planned on going to see a movie. It was just Wyatt and I.

He was sitting on the edge of his bed, as I sat at his desk. I was glancing around at his pictures. At his desk sat small picture frames filled with baby pictures of Wyatt.

The best part was they all seemed to have those bouncing curls of his. And along with his bright eyes. It made me smile.

My thoughts were interrupted as Wyatt put on some music.

I turned around and smiled as I immediately recognized it to be one of my favorites.

All I am is a man, I want the world in my hands, I hate the beach, But I stand in California with my toes in the sand

" I love this song," I smiled.

"I know, gorgeous." He smiled. Then he came and leaned on his desk, facing me.

"You know you were so adorable as a baby." I paused. "and even more adorable now." I giggled.

"Yeah yeah, I could say the same thing about you. And much more, darling." He blushed.

Use the sleeves of my sweater,
Let's have an adventure,
Head in the clouds but my gravity's centered,
Touch my neck and I'll touch yours,
You in those little high waisted shorts, oh

I admired what Wyatt was wearing. It was one of my favorite colors and it looked amazing on him. He was wearing beige dress pants with a light blue colored dress shirt. It fit him well.

As I closed my thoughts and came back to reality. Wyatt was leaning in, closer to me.

I soon felt his warm lips rubbing against mine. I felt a flutter in my stomach.

I kissed him back as he wrapped his arms around me best as he could from where I was sitting. I stood up and put my arms around his neck.

She knows what I think about,
And what I think about,
One love, two mouths,
One love, one house,
No shirt, no blouse,
Just us, you find out,
Nothing that wouldn't
wanna tell you about no

I put my hands in his curly hair as I sunk into the kiss. I never felt more alive. I was extremely happy to be with Wyatt.
I was thankful I had him.

His hands moved from my waist down. He pulled me as close to him as possible.

He started kissing my neck, exploring it like something he's never experienced it before.

I smiled, and felt a blush creep on my cheeks. To be honest I felt really nervous.

'Cause it's too cold whoa
For you here and now
So let me hold whoa
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater

I pulled away from the kiss we shared, Holding his smiling cheeks in my hands.

"Wyatt," I smiled.

"I love you y/n, So much."

I then kissed him roughly on this lips, pulling away after.

"I love you too, but I think I better go, everyone is probably wondering where I am." I slightly giggled.

"But I'll definitely see you later." I finished.

"Yeah that's probably a good idea. See you later," Wyatt said rubbing his neck.

I got up and made my way towards the door.

"oh and y/n?" Wyatt mumbled.

I turned around, "Yeah?"

He smiled. "I love you."

I smiled back. "I love you more."

and with that I went home.

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