twenty four

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Time seemed to be going by slower and slower. I felt as if my life was in slow motion.

Jaeden drove as fast as he could to the hospital. Fast, but he was still being safe.

As soon as he parked the car I ran out and into the big buildings doors as soon as I could.

Wyatt's mom texted Jaeden and I the room number. As I made my way through the hallways, I heard Jaeden following behind me. I was stubborn and didn't wait for the elevator, I looked over and saw a door that said 'Stairs'.
Of course I took it.


I kept going.

Soon enough I was about three floors up, I knew I was on the right floor, but for some reason, felt as if i couldn't move. I had now made it to where I was going, but it hit me, did I need to see him?

Of course I wanted to but was it good for me? It could hurt me even more. I didn't know what I was gonna walk in an see.

The exit door was right in front of me.


I started taking deep breaths. Hyperventilating. I leaned forward, leaning against my knees.

I heard foot steps approaching.

I felt arms wrap around me, pulling me into a hug.

"It's okay, y/n, I'm right here. Your gonna be okay."

It was Jaeden. He kept mumbling comforting words, I was thankful I had him, he knew exactly how to comfort me.

I pulled away after a few minutes, and wiped my tears. "Thanks J, I hope he's okay,"

He half smiled, "Let's go find out,"

He turned and opened the exit door, his room was down the hall.

I followed Jaeden, wiping, my tear stained face with my shirt sleeve.

As we approached the door, I followed Jaeden in, a few steps behind him.

I heard him gasp.

I quickened my step, and pulled the curtain open, to where Jaeden stood.

I saw Wyatt sitting up in bed. He was awake, and alive.

I smiled as my mind filled with relief from sorrow and a deep sadness.

I quickly ran over to his bed, sitting on the edge of it, and hugged him, gently.

I didn't want to hurt him.

"Y/n, Your not gonna hurt me, I'm okay." Wyatt mumbled with relief in his voice.

I hugged him tighter. I then, pulled away and cupped his face.

I looked at his bright eyes, and examined his face. He had a few deep scratches on his cheeks. and a bruise on his forehead.

"I'm so happy your okay Wyatt, I thought I lost you, and I felt as if I were going to lose myself."A tear slipped from my eye, it was filled with relief, happiness, and sadness.

Jaeden hugged Wyatt, and pulled away. "Yeah, Good job, worrying us all to death."

"Sorry," He mumbled, looking at Jaeden, then to me.

Wyatt's mom came in from the hallway, and motioned for Jaeden. He followed after her.

I glanced out the big window in Wyatt's room and saw the sun rising.

I looked over at Wyatt. He was already looking at me, staring deep into my eyes.

I smiled at him.

Wyatt sat up more and cupped my face. I put my hand over his, wanting to feel his touch more.

He leaned forward and I copied his actions, We pressed our lips against each other. I felt a feeling like butterflies, rise in my chest.

He pulled away, "Y/n, I love you,"

"I love you more."

I pulled him into me, into a tight hug.

I smiled, because I felt as If I was home.

I knew this is where I wanted to be.

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