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Benjamin travels all the way to East Horsely Surry during the Halloween weekend to visit his aunt Denise, as he drives right infront of her house the white gates open up and lead Benjamin towards a huge beautiful white cottage surrounded by a red flower wall.

His aunt loved old cottages and was into old it was here at aunt Denise Cottage that he spent most of his childhood playing with his sister.

Benjamin can not  help but recall that his aunt is one of the most important people in his life, as he parks by the front entrance, she was the closest thing as a mother he and his sister have and if it weren't for her or his nan, they would be adopted by strangers and separated.

When his father had died first and his mum a second later in a tragic plane crash when they were very young, it was his nan and aunt that managed to take care of them, his father and mother had left them as orphaned millionaires and owners of estates, but it was safeguarded till they were old enough to handle it themselves by their aunt.

That is the main reason he is so protective of his family is because they are all he has.

Benjamin opens his door and rings the bell, he hears his aunt's voice " Benjamin, I can't believe you are here" and most abruptly the wooden door to the house opens up, revealing his aunt running towards him as she wore her kitchen apron, her head was filled with her bouncy blonde curls and those family blue eyes shining at him with a big smile, his aunt and his mum are identical twins.

Benjamin's  sister had the same blonde curls and light blue eyes, like his mother, apparently the Oakley's produced a beautiful woman.

But he came out like his South Korean father, dark hair and the only slight difference is that he has light brown eyes.

" Oh, come here and give me a hug," she says, and he can not help but embrace her with affection and care; she was so fragile although she is a strong independent woman, his aunt has a heart of gold.

"You are very happy today," he says while laughing at her reaction to his arrival.

She moves away from the embrace and grabs his face between her hands and squeezes " Of course, my favourite nephew is here to visit" she says with delight.

" I am your only nephew," he says with humour, his aunt never had kids, and her husband was an only child, and with his mum being her only direct relative, she dotted on Benjamin and his sister as one of her own.

She laughed as they entered the house. Pictures of his mother, father and other family members were hanged by the hallway leading to the main living room.

He picks up a specific photo of his mother and his aunt playing around by a lake during their teen years.

" Hey mum" this greeting was something he always did when he entered his aunts' house.

" I miss her every day, I miss her calling me Dee because she had difficulty in pronouncing my name Denise as a child," his aunt says while also looking at the photo in pain.

Trying to stop the tears about to form from his aunt's eyes, he places the photo down " Tea?".

" Oh yes I was just brewing some," she says and walks towards the kitchen and Benjamin follows behind.

" Earl Grey? Salted caramel?" she gave two choices and one caused Benjamin to question " Salted Caramel, there's tea in that flavour?" she passes over a packet which reads out SALTED CARAMEL TEA.

" My new obsession and good" well it wouldn't hurt for him to try.

" Then I will have that then" he replies and passes the packet back to his aunt.

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