Chapter 3

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Gilbert: Hey guys! Does anyone want to come over to my place?
Anne: okay!
Gilbert: Great! I'm glad you're coming
Anne: Uhm... Gilbert?
Gilbert: Yeah
Anne: You do realise you only sent the message to me, not through the group...
Gilbert: Really?! I hadn't even noticed...

GROUP: Avonlea rocks
Anne: Hey! Guys, Gilbert wanted to invite you all to his place but he accidentally sent the message only to me...

Gilbert: Guys, I didn't accidentally only invite her, IT WAS ON PURPOSE! Please say you're busy!!
Diana: Somebody wants some alone time with their one and only 😉 I'll do it.

GROUP: Avonlea rocks
Diana: I'm busy.
Josie: Me too
Jane: And me!
Charlie: Not today 😢
Anne: What are you all doing today?!
Jane: Visiting my aunt
Josie: Making pie
Charlie: Hanging out with Billy
Diana: Things
Anne: Things? And Josie Pye is making... pie?!
Diana: Yep
Josie: That's right!
Charlie: Yes, totally normal and not suspicious
Anne: What's going on?
Gilbert: Yeah guys, what is going on?!
Josie: Nothing!
Diana: Nothing at all
Charlie: Nada, rien, nothing
Ruby: I'm available to meet up!

Gilbert: Things?! Seriously Di! And Charlie, WHAT WAS THAT?!
Diana: I didn't know what to say okay?!
Charlie: I'm sorry, I panicked
Gilbert: Rubyyy! What are you doing?!
Ruby: I'm bored and want to hang out...
Gilbert: Rubyyy pleeeeaaaseee!
Ruby: *sigh* fine!

GROUP: Avonlea rocks
Ruby: Sorry, can't make it in the end... I'm going to get my face looked at because it's covered in freckles!!
Diana: RUBY!!!! Anne has freckles and they look amazing
Gilbert: Freckles are kind of cute... Anyway Anne, it looks like it's just you and me... Oh well! What time?
Anne: Five?

Haha, it's only short but I think it's funny? I hope so anyway...


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