Chapter 16 - Halloween

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Gilbert: Hey! It's been a while since we last met up as a group!
Jerry: Yes, it has. Especially as you've been travelling abroad 😜
Anne: We need to meet up, I can't wait to hear about your travels in detail, Gil💗
Ruby: We could meet up for Halloween and go trick or treating round town?
Ruby: Apparently Mrs Lynde has made a load of little cakes and chocolates 😎
Anne: Sounds good!
Josie: If by good you mean boring and childish...
Josie: No offence Ruby.
Gilbert: I don't think it's boring but if you have a better idea then please do tell...
Josie: The older kids are planning to turn that old ruin into a haunted house. They're going to wear costumes and everything. It's gonna be AWESOME.
Ruby: Okay, I guess that's a better idea.
Jerry: Alors, I guess I'll go to whatever everyone else is going to.
Charlie: I like Josie's idea.
Moody: Me too.
Gilbert: Well I really want to try Mrs Lynde's cakes so I'm out.
Josie: Are you scared, Blythe?
Gilbert: No, I just honestly prefer eating cakes over pretending that I care how cool I am.
Diana: The old ruin? Isn't that the place you were writing that story about the other day, Anne?
Anne: First of all I'm with Gilbert: Mrs Lynde's cakes are too good to miss out on.
Second, I think Gilbert is actually really brave. I mean, he travelled abroad alone AND he has the guts to say that you're only going to go the haunted house because you want to be popular, Josie.
And third, yes, I did write a story about that ruin.
Gilbert: Thank you 💗 Also is it that story you messaged me about?
Anne: Yeah.
Jerry: Well what's the story about?
Josie: Do we really care? 🤔
Anne: It's about how the house used to be a happy place where a small family lived but then one of the kids had an accident while play fighting with their sibling and died.
Gilbert: Aaah... A classic ghost story, right? 😌
Anne: Yep.
Anne: Basically the kid that died blames their sibling and so it starts to haunt the house. One day it tries to kill the sibling but the mother throws herself in the way and dies. The rest of the family moved away but now the house is haunted by the child and the mother. Now you can hear the mother moan at night and if you go there at night, the angry sibling might come out and kill you in an attempt to find peace.
Gilbert: 👌
Diana: Uhm...
Diana: I think I prefer trick or treating to going to the haunted house thing...
Ruby: I just remembered how delicious Rachel's cakes are... I definitely prefer trick or treating.
Jerry: Cakes do sound nice 😃 I'm happy going trick or treating if that's what you're doing.
Charlie: Did I say I wanted to go to the haunted house? I meant trick or treating.
Josie: Seriously?
Josie: Are you guys too scared?
Josie: C'mon, don't be scaredy cats and come with me.
Ruby: I'm sorry Josie 😢
Anne: You could always go on your own.
Josie: Well
Josie: It would be totally lame alone.
Anne: You wouldn't be alone. All the older kids will be there.
Josie: It's not the same without you guys. I guess I'll just HAVE to go trick or treating with you guys :(
Diana: You really don't have to feel forced. Go to whatever you want to.
Josie: You'd miss me if I didn't go with you guys.
Josie: Right, Rubs?
Ruby: Of course I would. Although I would still have a good time with Jerry and everyone else.
Gilbert: Just admit it. You're too scared after Anne's story. I wouldn't blame you, Anne's incredibly talented at writing horror stories.
Josie: Me? Afraid? Pft!

Happy Halloween!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2018 ⏰

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