Chapter 12

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(Written by two admins!)

Anne: Jerry, you there?
Jerry: yeah....
Anne: I'm sorry about what went down at the concert. I hate Gilbert and Ruby for that!
Jerry: it's whatever
Anne: No it's not! I'm so angry, I just want revenge.
Jerry: Anne! I don't want trouble, okay?
Anne: We can pretend to be together so they get jealous! What do you say? You in?
Jerry: Oh no no no, talk to me when you've calmed down. 
Anne: Just think about it. Gilbert and Ruby should pay for what they did, leading us on like that. 
Jerry: Fine, I'll think about it. 

Gilbert and Diana
Gilbert: why did Anne and Jerry block me? This wasn't my fault!
Diana: I tried talking to her but she kept on rambling on about you leading her on and Jerry blocked you because I think he liked Ruby. 
Gilbert:  But I did nothing wrong! I care for Anne and I've done nothing but support Jerry's crush on Ruby! How can they believe I did this?
Diana: Gil, that's not what you should be worrying about. You should be trying to find a way to prove you are not guilty!
Gilbert: But how?! I don't even know how it all happened! Why did the light fall on Ruby and not Anne?
Gilbert: I should never have let Charlie do the lights! I should have found a way to do them myself!
Diana: Charlie
Gilbert: Huh?
Diana: Charlie did this. Didn't you say you had a fight?
Gilbert: Charlie.

Let's have some fun!
[Closed]Why not write Gilbert's message to Charlie and we'll pick one to use in the next chapter (please no inappropriate language)!
And while you're at it, tell us if you think Anne and Fred will go through with the plan?

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