Chapter 15

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Gilbert: Help me get Anne to like me again.
Josie: If I did that I'd be betraying Rubs
Gilbert: Please! You know Ruby made a mistake
Gilbert: I think we all know she likes Jerry
Josie: Yes, but I still won't betray her
Gilbert: Well then thanks for nothing.
Josie: BUT. I'll make a deal. I'll talk to Anne if you get Jerry to talk to Ruby.
Gilbert: Deal.

Gilbert and Jerry
Jerry: What did she say?
Gilbert: She's on it.
Gilbert: Now we really have to talk about you and Ruby.
Jerry: No we don't...
Gilbert: We do
Jerry: What is there to say? She doesn't like me.
Gilbert: That's not true, she likes you.
Jerry: 😂
Gilbert: And even if she didn't like you that way, do you want to lose her as a friend too?
Jerry: No

Jerry and Ruby
Jerry: Hi Ruby!
Ruby: Omg! Jerry! I thought you hated me and you never wanted to speak to me again!
Jerry: You were right. But Gilbert made me see reason. I want to be your friend again Ruby.
Jerry: Friends?
Ruby: Yeah, right. Friends.

Josie and Anne
Josie: Anne Shirley
Anne: Josie Pye
Josie: You need to forgive Gilbert.
Anne: No. And I'm on my way to Charlie's to get revenge.
Josie: Anne. Stop.
Josie: Listen to me.
Anne: Just say it Josie!
Josie: Gilbert was set up by Charlie and Ruby. He doesn't like Rubs, he likes YOU.
Anne: And why would I believe you?
Josie: What reason do I have to lie?
Josie: I don't particularly care if you believe me either. I said I'd tell you what happened and I have. My job here is done.

Anne and Gilbert
Anne: I owe you an apology 😯
Gilbert: No, you don't.
Anne: Yes, I do.
Gilbert: I should apologise to you for letting you believe I was capable of doing that.
Anne: No, you shouldn't.
Gilbert: I shouldn't have given you a reason to doubt me.
Anne: But you didn't! I was stupid.
Gilbert: Can we PLEASE not argue for once.
Anne: Can you PLEASE stop contradicting me.
Gilbert: 😂 Okay
Anne: Good.

I thought I'd end the drama and go back to a slightly simpler storyline... 😂
Sorry for all the unpublishing... my phone is strange 😂

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